Let's Play

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FUCK, why did I do that, why did I say that?! That's guy's gonna hand my ass to me if I stick with Angel.

"Hey, Husk" Angel interrupted my thoughts. We'd been walking back to the hotel in silence ever since Valentino left.

I looked over to Angel before humming in response. "Thank you..." He paused, he seemed to be searching for words. "Yknow I'm always bothering you and stuff but uhm, the way you helped me back there was uhm, well it was real nice."

He fidgeted with his hands, looking at the ground as he walked. "Don't worry about it." I responded, also unsure of what exactly to say.
I don't know why I helped him, after all he's right, all he does is bother me. I think he's annoying, arrogant, and kinda stupid, so why did I help him?

We continued walking, the streets of hell were unusually quiet today, probably because that Australian broad wasn't running around blowing shit up.

Eventually we made it back to the hotel, we were the first ones back. "So, I guess we didn't really get to know each other how Charlie wanted us to huh? We're the first ones back so we might as well plan what we should tell her." Angel suggested.

"Yeah I guess we should" I walked over to the bar and fixed my self a drink, I deserve it after today.

"So, " angel said as he sat down, "what's one thing I learned about you today?" He placed his elbows on the bar as he rested his head in his hands.

"What do you want to learn?"
He looked at me curiously before answering my question, "Well, earlier today I asked if you did anything other than bartend. Do you? I mean you have to have some kind of hobby other than alcohol"

I took a sip of my drink before answering, "I used to really like games."

"Games?" He raised a brow, tilting his head at me. "What kind of games?"
"Board games, puzzle games, card games, of course that just lead me to gambling, word from the wise, never mix drinking games with card games."

Angel chuckled, continuing to stare at me with those eyes. I looked back at him, observing his features. He really was a pretty guy wasn't he?

"How about you?" I asked, "what're your hobbies?"

He smiled before answering, "DON'T say sex" I interrupted. His smile quickly dropped, rolling his eyes.

"Well then, I'm not really sure." He answered. I furrowed my brows, "you don't know what you like to do?" I interrogated him.
He spun his chair in the other direction, still at the bar, but now facing away from me. "I mean, I never really did anything other than sex and drugs, I was never good at anything else."

"Oh come on, think, you have to be good at something" I scoffed. How could someone so confident be so insecure at the same time?

He stayed quiet for a bit before finally answering. "You know, I used to like games too. I remember playing those dumb card games with my little sister when I was still alive. I always won too, of course it was only because I looked at her cards everytime she left for the bathroom."

I laughed at his statement before he began to speak again, "Hey I have some cards in my room, you should teach me how to play something!" Angel suggested, spinning his chair to face the bar once again.

"You know what? Sure, go get em" I told him before he got up and ran to his room.

He came back with the cards and we played games for hours, sure he was a lil slow at first but he got it eventually.
It wasn't long, or at least it didn't feel long until the others showed up. Pair by pair came until the common room was full of the hotel residents.

When everyone was back, everyone sat down and began talking about their day.

"Vaggie taught me not to run away with strangers! Even if they are bad boys" Nifty giggled as she mischievously twirled her hair.
Vaggie laughed nervously "And Nifty taught me how to properly sharpen my spear! Turns out she's really good with blades-"

"The red haired guy taught me how to make a gun silencer! And Charlie let me shoot someone!" Cherri exclaimed excitedly

"I did not let you shoot someone, I said shoot the PAPER silhouette and you shot a woman!" Charlie put her hands on her hips in annoyance.
"I thought it was quite the show watching the cannibals tear her apart! If you ask me we should shoot more random people, you'd definitely attract more cannibals to the hotel!" Alastor happily suggested.
"NO! No more guns for either one of you! Privileges revoked!" Vaggie scolded the two.

Charlie sighed before turning to Angel and I, "And how'd y'all two do? You were the first back correct?"

"We did great!" Angel stated happily, "turns out Husker is a real good teacher" he smiled at me.
"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be." I smiled back at him.

"GREAT! I'm so happy you two are starting to get a long!" Charlie smiled as she gushed about how proud she was of everyone.

As the night went on me and Angel continued talking, it was real fun. But all good things come to an end, as he left to go to bed at 11:00.

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