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I spent the entire party last night with Valentino, Charlie even let me go home with him.
It was nice for a change. I mean normally Val is, well, Val; but lately he's been better.

I woke up in his bed this morning but he wasn't there, so I put on some of the clothes I left here before I moved to the hotel and left.
It's so nice that he actually kept all of my stuff, yknow like he was thinking of me even when he was gone.

I got back to the hotel at around 12 pm. I entered to see everyone bonding in the lobby as usual.
Niffty was being her chaotic self, Alastor was being his creepy self, and Charlie was being Charlie.

I went up to my room to look for Nuggets, I gave him to Charlie's dad last night and he said he'd drop him off at the hotel.

Just as I expected, Nuggets was snoring on my bed, being his normal adorable self.
I layed down next to him as my mind began to trail off. I started to think about Husker. I didn't see him at the bar this morning, and last night he seemed really bummed out.

But like also, he was staring at me all last night. Is he still upset about the other day? I mean, we haven't spoken since, maybe I should talk to him. Not like I have anything else to do.

I decided to get up and head over to Husk's room. I knocked gently on the door, and about 30 seconds later, right before I was about to walk away, a disheveled Husk opened the door.

"What d'you want?" The obviously hungover man answered. "Oh! Hi Husker, can I come in?" I Ppoke softly, careful not to worsen the hangover. Husk nodded before opening his door wider and gesturing for me to enter.

After he closed the door we began to talk. Nothing severe yet, just basic awkward small talk.
"Soooo, " I began, still speaking gently, "about the other night, I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that."

Husk looked me up and down with suspicion, before simply responding with "okay".
"Okay?" I scoffed, "you were all pissy the other day and now all you have to say is okay?"

Husk nodded as he began to speak, "But as long as you're still in the mood to talk about it, what were you doing with Valentino that night." He repeated the question from that night.

I sighed, "Just the usual, drugs and fucking" Husk sat down on his bed, his crossed arms resting in his lap as he stared at the ground.

"You fucked him?" Husk scoffed. "Well yeah, what else do I ever do?" I joked, trying to cut the tension. "Well I thought I had an idea but I guess not." He rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?" I crossed two of my four arms as the other two of my hands were on my hips.
"It means you really are all about sex. You know, I thought we had something going, but I was so wrong." He scowled. He seemed different, not the same type of rude and moody as usual, he sounded hurt.

"We did have something going, until you decided that you wanted nothing to do with me in the middle of a make out session." I rolled my eyes.

"I never said I wanted nothing to do with you!" He quickly objected, "I want everything to do with you- I just wasn't sure if- if you wanted anything to do with me." He sighed as he stood back up, his arms remaining crossed.

I raised an eyebrow, getting defensive as I took a step closer to him. "What do you mean?!  I've been hitting on you since I first got here!"
Husk took a step closer in response, "You hit on everyone!" He scolded.

"Yeah and I mean it! I wouldn't have let you kiss me if I didn't want it!" I continued yelling, "I don't just want to fuck you Angel! I want you really! But you can't accept that, can you?" He lowered his voice, almost muttering the last part.

"I can't accept what?" I questioned, not quite sure what he was trying to say. "I mean, you made a move on me, ignore me for 2 days, and then you "really want me", do you hear how you sound right now Husker?"

"No, no I have no fucking idea what I'm saying right now." Husk stated. He sighed, putting his hand over his face. "Angel- I just- I don't know"

We stayed in silence for a bit, each one of us deciding what to say. "What do you want?" I broke silence.
"Hm?" Husk hummed in confusion. "What do you want, ya know, with me. You don't wanna fuck, you don't like talking about what I do for work or entertainment, so what?" I clarified.

"Well, " he began to speak, "I want to be with you." He paused, "I don't want you flirting with other guys, I don't want you fucking anybody— unless it's  for work... I just want you to be with me— but that's difficult" he continued, "it's difficult because I want you to be happy. And uhm- I'm me, and you're you, and I don't know if you'd be happy with someone like me, because you're you and you could have any one you want. And even though I like you— a lot, it's hard to believe that we could actually work out yknow?" He rambled, obviously just talking until he started to get a response.

I smiled at him before answering, "Husk, If you really wanted me you wouldn't have to think about it this much-" "it's kind of hard not to when you're constantly around" He interrupted, "Okay well its not like you're in love with me or some shit" I laughed.
"Oh shit" I paused in the realization, "you think you're in love with me, don't you?" I looked at him with concern.

He sighed, "Yes angel, I'm in love with you, and it's terrifying."

Losers In Love ~ HuskerdustWhere stories live. Discover now