Curiosity killed the cat

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I totally fucked things up with Angel last night! He opens up about how his entire life he's only been used for one thing and then I try to fuck him?!

God, I'm an asshole.

I woke up at about 5:30 to see everyone in the lobby shouting about something. Everyone but Angel, eh he's probably just asleep still.

"Husk!" Charlie approached me, "Did you see Angel today?"
"No, why?" I answered as I got behind my bar. "He's missing! I was gonna go and thank him for tucking Niffty in last night but he wasn't in his room." Charlie spoke worriedly.

Shit- did Angel leave because of me?! I knew I made him uncomfortable, what's wrong with me?!

"Trouble in paradise?" A familiar voice came from behind me.
I turned around to see Alastor leaning on the bar, his usual creepy smile highlighted his face. "What d'you want?" I sneered at him, not wanting to talk to my captor right now.

"I want to know why Angel isn't here, when everyone around me is distressed, so am i." The radio demon interrogated.
"And why would I know where he is?" I scoffed as I cleaned out some cups with a rag. "Well you and Angel have been spending lots of time together, yes?" He questioned me.

"Yeah sure, why?" I replied, "And you and him have gotten closer, correct?" The demon continued.

"Where are you going with this?" I stopped cleaning as I turned my full attention to the conversation. "I know you and Angel have something going on, one of my shadows saw you leaving his room last night all hot and bothered." Alasters eyebrows straightened, his smile obviously false.

My eyes widened at him as I began to speak, "That was not what you think it was-"
Alastor interrupted my explanation, "You know, I thought the two of you were conspiring against me, trying to get your soul back and all- I would've never guessed you had a soft spot for our effeminate friend! Quite a shock if I do say so myself!" He laughed.

I didn't correct him, I mean, him thinking that I was in love with Angel was better than him knowing the truth.

It wasn't long until Angel came bursting the the front door.

"ANGEL WHERE WERE YOU?!" An angry Vaggie exclaimed as she ran towards Angel. "We were worried sick!" She scolded him.

"What're you? My mom?!" Angel crossed his arms, "I'm fine, I was with Val all night!"   Vaggie rolled her eye before continuing to question him. "And you didn't think for a second to tell anyone where you were going or who you were with?!" She went on scolding him for a full ten minutes before she sent him to his room.

"YOU ARE SO... " She thought the for a second, "GROUNDED! YOU'RE GROUNDED GO TO YOUR ROOM! "
"I'M ALREADY GOING" Angel yelled in response, moodily making his way to his room.

Charlie calmed her girlfriend down as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thankful their friend was safe.

After a little bit of talking Charlie came over to talk to me, "Hey husker, do you think you could go talk to Angel and see what's wrong? He hasn't lashed out like this in a while." She looked sad, "Charlie, I'm sorry but I don't think I'm the best person to talk to him right now." I responded softly, careful not to hurt Charlie's feelings.

"Well of course you are!" She smiled at me hopefully, "you like him right? I think all he needs right now is time with someone he loves." She put her hand on my shoulder.

"You think he loves me?" I asked, "Yeah, I do... I think y'all two love each other" Charlie continued smiling sweetly as her girlfriend appeared behind her. "Not to mention I saw you coming out of his room last night." Vaggie interrupted the almost sweet moment.

"Oh my god! How many of y'all saw that? And how?! I checked to make sure no one was there!"  I blushed as I scolded her. "I'm grey, sometimes I blend into the wall color" She shrugged her shoulders.

I sighed frustratedly, "Fine, I'll go, but not because we're in love or any of that bull shit." I quickly turned back around and headed to Angel's room.

I knocked a couple times before Angel answered the door. "What?"    "Charlie wanted me to check up on you, can I come in?"

"Do what you want." Angel scoffed as he sat on his bed, cuddling his pig. I entered his room, closing the door softly behind me. "What'd you do last night?" I asked him.

"I told you already, I was with Val. " He lied down on his bed and rolled over so he was no longer facing me. "I wasn't asking who you were with, I asked what you were doing all night" I took a couple of steps closer to him.

"Why do you care?" He sighed, "Why do I care?!" I repeated defensively, "Yeah why do you care? You didn't care what I was doin last night when you left me in here!" He stood up.

"Angel you can't just run away everytime I don't wanna fuck you!" I scolded him, losing patience. "I can do what ever I want!" He yelled back, obviously taking offence to what I just said.

"You don't get to tell me what I can do! You don't own me remember!?" Angel continued scolding me as he took a step closer. "Angel, you smell like alcohol and you're obviously coming off of some sort of high, you aren't thinking clearly. What did you do last night?" I tried to remain calm as I thought of what he could've been doing with Valentino.

"I hung out with someone who actually wanted to be with me, why does that bother you so much?!" Angel   yelled. "It bothers me that you were getting better and then all of the sudden you fall back into that psychopath's arms! " I continued to argue.

"You know what? WHATEVER!" Angel fell back onto his bed, sitting down and cupping his face in his hands, "Say whatever you want about Val, but he loves me, he just has a weird way of expressing it." Angel practically muttered.

"He loves you?" I furrowed my brows, taking a step closer to him. "Yeah, more than anyone ever has I think."  Angel grabbed his pet pig once again.

"Angel, he hurts you." I tried to reason with him. "Only when I don't listen-"   "He gave you drugs! Angel you've been clean for weeks!"

"He gave me what I wanted, he cares about me Husk. He just wants me to be happy." Angel spoke softly. "He doesn't care if you're happy when he's renting you out to 3 dudes at a time!" 

"You know what?" Angel looked up, "I don't have to prove anything to you, get out I'm done speaking." He ordered.

"Angel-" I tried to speak, "Out." He interrupted.

I looked at him for a bit before sighing and leaving. After I closed the door I nearly collapsed against the wall as I put my face into my hands and sighed.

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