Conflict resolution ig

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Angel -

-Last Night-

“You should go home, I’ll take care of this. He’ll be fine, I promise; and uh, if he isn’t then who gives a shit right?” Vox joked as we finished speaking in the waiting room.

“Yeah you’re right… Charlie’s gonna be so pissed though” I sighed, “Hell brat? Nah, she’ll understand.” He stated, getting out of his chair. “So you gonna go back?” He asked.

After the conversation we had, I knew I needed to go home. But I was still upset about everything. I didn’t wanna see Husk. I don’t know, he kinda scared me last night, the way he just shot him and stared at him like nothing. His face was just blank as Val choked on his blood, life slowly fading, soul escaping, and Husker was just okay.

It’s not like I like Valentino. But it’s not like I don’t either, y’know I care for him. When I first appeared in h_ell, you know who was there? Valentino. Who got me a job? Valentino. Who got me out of my family's crazy ass house? That’s right, Valentino.

“Yeah, I mean I have to go back at some point right?” I stood up, pushing my hair back. “You sure he’s gonna be okay?” I continued. “Go see your boyfriend.” He ordered in response to my anxiety. I softly smiled in appreciation, nodding my head with a silent ‘okay’ before turning around and leaving.

It was 7 in the morning when I got back home, I opened the door and saw Lucifer and Charlie messing with some rubber ducks. “Angel! You came back!” Charlie tiredly exclaimed. “Yeah… Vox said Val would be fine.”

“You’re not in trouble with them?” Charlie asked, her brows worriedly furrowed. “Nah, Vox understands and uh, who gives a shit about Val… Not me!” I quietly laughed. “That’s good! I didn’t think you would come back here, I thought maybe you might be mad at me…” She explained.

“You? Never,” I smiled, “Now Husk and Alastor are different stories.” Charlie nodded her head in understanding, “So, what’re you gonna do?” She prompted. “I’m gonna talk to them, y’know I think that if they would just listen to me then… then everything would be fine.” I sighed, “Or everything would be fine with Husker, I don’t know what kinda crazy shit Alastor has in store.”

Charlie held back a giggle, a smile ambushing her face as her expression changed. Her fists balled excitedly, she was obviously holding back some sort of spontaneous combustion. “So what you’re saying is,” She shook with excitement, “you’re gonna use my conflict resolution skills?!” She exclaimed, practically jumping up and down.

“Yeah, I guess.” I smirked, “So uh, where is he? Can I talk to him?” I asked anxiously. “Well, Husker and Alastor are supposed to be in their rooms, hopefully sleeping. Buttttt–” She trailed off, “This is such a good thing that you’re doing, I was wondering if you could wait just a bit so everyone could see this learning experience!” Charlie hopefully pleaded.

As time went on, me and Charlie, (and a  third wheeling Lucifer) all brainstormed on todays 'exercise’. Eventually everyone started to wake up, starting with Vaggie and ending with Husk. I was a little nervous when I saw Husk; I mean he just saw me basically confess undying love to Val, but come on! It was the heat of the moment.

He made his way down the stairs, observing everyone as his eyes made their way to me. His pupils slightly dilated as he paused to look at me for half a second, then hurriedly taking his eyes away and nervously acting almost as if he didn’t see me.

The group did their little exercise, starting with Charlie and Vaggie, all talking about their feelings and that mushy gushy stuff. It kinda gave me second hand embarrassment, but whatever, it was kinda sweet. “Angel?” My thoughts were interrupted, “How about you go next?”

I stood up, walking over to where Charlie and Vaggie had previously stood for their speeches. “Okay uhm wow I really have to do this infront of everyone huh?” I anxiously bantered. “Anyways– Yesterday made me feel…  Used I guess? I mean, not by y’all but just like, in general. Y’know everything was fine and then next thing I know me and Val are on the floor going at it–” I stopped myself, clearing my throat. “A- and I felt used, like my thoughts or hopes weren’t valued and I was like a doll. And I came back to the hotel and all I hear is, “where were you?!” and now that I look back at it; I understand you were just concerned but at the moment, it didn’t feel like that. In that time, I felt like I had no rights, or privacy, or any ability to do anything I wanted. All I felt was that once again, there was another person trying to control what I could do, where I could be, who I could be with- it annoyed me.” I took a deep breath.

“And then,” I continued, “Alastor came up to talk to me, and instead of talking with me he talked at me. And y’know it wouldn’t have even been that bad, but then he acknowledged the fact that I had just been treated like garbage, and then basically said “It doesn’t matter if you get treated like shit, it only matters if it’s someone else.”, and then proceeded to treat me like garbage! And then when things couldn’t get any worse, I thought Husker would console me, but no! He proceeds to go on a rampage and shoot the only other person who could possibly make me feel better! And then at the end of the day I feel shitty, and horrible, like the most terrible person in hell because while everyone is trying to help me, all I can do is acknowledge the things hurting me.” I breathed quickly, catching breath from the rant I had just gone on.

“And then?” Charlie's hand gestured for me to go one with the story. 

“And then I went to the hospital with the V’s because I couldn’t stand to be with y’all. And I sat in a waiting room for half an hour, in silence. But then me and Vox started talking, and it made me feel… better? In a sense, I guess him sharing some similar experiences to mine made life make sense for a bit. And we talked for hours about Val, and the crappy things he’d do to both of us and how we never left because, well, we loved him. And then everything came together, because then we started talking about y’all guys and how understanding you all are; and I realized that Husker shot a literal overlord for me! I mean I wish he didn’t but it was kind of sweet, y’know? And then Vox convinced me to come back and leave Val to him because y’all are amazing; and I deserve friends, or people who want me in their presence. And that’s you. That’s all of you, and even though you’re all batshit crazy sometimes, y’all are my friends. So I came back to the hotel and Charlie said that the thing I was experiencing while looking back at my actions was called “reflecting” and she came up with some last minute activity to give me an excuse for me to say this infront of all of you. That’s it.” I stopped speaking as the entire room kind of paused in awe. Some bad expressions, some good, but all were shocked.

“Does anybody have anything else they’d like to say?” Charlie egged everyone on. “... Alastor?” 

“I stand by everything I said, you said morals are important. I have morals.” Alastor crossed his arms moodily. “And your morals are…” Vaggie questioned, “Well, my mother always told me it wasn’t okay to be a woman beater, y’know my father was one of those. And you know what she did to him? Exactly what I was about to do to Valentino, that’s what she did. I didn’t care that Angel was having problems with Valentino, Angel has problems with everything and everyone and he’s fully capable of handling it!” Alastor defended.

“Well- that’s… Actually a way better explanation than what you gave last night. Why didn’t you just say that?!” Vaggie argued, “I thought we were going deep into our feelings! That was my entry, my dad was an abusive piece of shit, and that’s as deep as we’re going. Ever.” Alastor paused, “See, an excuse for my actions and the exercise is done! Two birds have been absolutely mutilated with one trusty stone.”

Vaggie sighed, “You are a twisted little man you know that?” She threateningly whispered to the Radio Demon. “Uhm, nuh uh!” His twisted smile pertained. 

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