And now you're mine...

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“You think my soul is valuable?” Angel questioned the guy’s comment. 

“Of course! Look at you…” He smiled creepily. Angel giggled, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Angel,” I gestured for him to bend down so I could whisper to him. “Hm?” Angel hummed as he lowered to my level. “I can’t bet your soul Angel, I’d have to convert it into one of the playing chips and well- I don’t really have it.”

“...What do you have to do to take it?” Angel asked, “What?! You’d really be okay with me betting your soul?!” I aggressively whispered at him. “Why not? I trust you Husky, there’s no way you won’t win!” Angel smiled. I grabbed his hand and led him away from the crowd, muttering “I'll be back” to the dealer.

“Okay how do we do this? I just gotta sign somethin’ right?” Angel said readily, “Angel I’m not taking your soul.” I said sternly “Why?! You heard what he said, he thinks I’m valuable!” I scoffed at Angel before answering, “I think you’re valuable too! Too valuable to fucking bet! You understand how crazy that is, don’t you Angel?” I scolded.

“So you’ll give away your own soul to Alastor, but you won’t give mine to some rando?” Angel raised a brow as he crossed his arms. “You don’t understand Angel–” I stuttered, “It’s just- you mean so much to me Angel…” “I understand that but, come on, you’re for sure gonna win! You can just give me back to myself afterwards!” Angel grabbed my hands excitedly. “Angel, I won't do it.”

Angel sighed, giving up on being persuasive as we left back to the poker table to see someone new had joined; some tall guy with a fur coat and hat, and oh my god it was Valentino. “Angel Cakes! You really are here! I thought the drunkards were deceiving me!” He smiled menacingly as we approached the table. “What are you doing here?” I crossed my arms.

“Well, the doctor said that I couldn’t be out at clubs for a while, it’s too physically straining. This was the second best option that didn’t include getting up.” Val sighed. “Sooo, I heard we’re betting my Angie!” “Your?” I scoffed in response, “Yeah, mine…” He taunted. Angel yanked me over and began to whisper in my ear, “Husker please! You could get me from Val!”

I sighed, gesturing to the dealer, “Take him, come back with his chips’ worth.” I spoke. Angel’s smile beamed, not the reaction you’d expect when you realize you’re about to be traded in a game. Seconds passed when I felt something appear in my hand. It was a chain, that means Angel signed the agreement. The dealer and Angel came back, holding a sparkly pink and purple chip.

“Husker, look how pretty my soul is! It’s pink!” Angel exclaimed, “Yeah,” I smiled, “It is isn’t it…”

I sat at the table, staring down at my cards worriedly… “What if Val has good cards?” I whispered to Angel. “It’ll be okay, I believe in you…” Angel stood behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders.

“Alright, where do you stand?” The dealer questioned everyone, “All in” Val answered, “In” the next spoke, “I’m all in.”

Cards were placed on the table, I paid no attention to the other man, as I knew he lost when a loud whine came from his part of the table. Val, however, had an impressive hand… “Four of a kind!” The dealer exclaimed before looking at my cards, my heart stopped, as I forgot what exactly my cards looked like. There was a J, 10, 9, 8, 7, all spades….

“Straight Flush!” The dealer announced.

The room went silent as did the table.

“Husker, what does that mean?” Angel asked anxiously.

“It means…” I paused, “It means I won.”

“Holy shit,” Angel paused, looking at Val, “You lost?” Val stayed quiet, staring at the cards in shock, “YOU LOST!” Angel laughed. The entire room quickly burst out into cheers and yells. “FUCK YEAH ANGIE!” Cherri cheered from the crowd.

I stood up, gesturing that I was finished as Val continued to stare down, shell shocked. “Shit, Angel we–” Angel’s lips met mine as he pulled me into a sudden kiss, interrupting my speech. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and waist tightly, both pairs being used. The kiss lasted a while, I grabbed Angel’s waist and kissed him back as the crowd cheered for our newfound victory.

We left the casino, leaving Cherri behind; she said she should “leave us two lovebirds alone” And actually, I couldn’t agree more. There’s nothing I’d rather do right now than be alone with Angel. “I can't believe you actually won! Husker, you actually did it, you’re amazing!” Angel gushed as he held my hand, walking back to the hotel with me.

We got there at around 7, laughing and smiling as we entered the lobby. “Woah! What’s got you two so excited?” Charlie exclaimed when she saw us. “Husker, can I tell her? Can I?” He pleaded with eagerness. I nodded in response. “HUSKER GOT MY SOUL BACK FROM VAL!” Angel yelled.

“Wait what?!” Charlie’s eyes widened, “Yes! He really did it! Husky show ‘em the contract!”

“Oh.. Right” I summoned a contract, the Signature at the bottom read ‘Anthony’, signed with a heart. Within seconds the contract crumbled, chains appeared around Angel; and next thing you knew… he was free.  

“How did you…” Vaggie began, “I made a bet, with Valentino. And I won!” “A bet?” Alastor appeared. “Yeah, a bet.” My eyes narrowed at Alastor, silently provoking war. “And why would you do that?” Alastor stepped closer. “To break a couple of soul binds.” I responded.

“Okay, good things are happening, but I'm sensing a bit of hostility between you two.” Charlie stammered. “And?” “And I want mine back.” We ignored Charlie.

"Well that's not going to be possible at the moment." Alastor spoke. "Why not?" "Because it's impossible, at every moment. I'm not giving your soul back."

"Alastor!" Charlie scolded, "We're at this hotel for redemption, I don't think you can be redeemed if you own people..."
"That doesn't matter, I was never here to be redeemed! I told you that when I came here!" Alastor argued.

"Well I don't think Husker can be redeemed if he's owned!" Charlie argued back. "Oh please, he's only here because I own his soul. He's not here for redemption, he's here because I'm here."

"Things have changed though Al! Husker doesn't even drink anymore, he's getting better!" Angel defended. "Getting better? Is being an ex alcoholic gambler better?! Sooner or later he'll just bet his soul to someone else again! Once power hungry, always power hungry." Alastor continued.

"That's not true!" Angel yelled, "You think he's changed?! Angel, he bets worthless souls like yours everyday as a hobby! Trading and collecting like baseball cards! You don't mean anything to him! And if you think you did, then you're dumber than I thought, Anthony."

"What'd you just call me?" Angel spoke through his teeth. "Anthony, that's your name right? The one thing that separates your worthless life in hell from the actual person you were on Earth, is your name. How often does Husker over there call you that?"

"Well, he–"    "He doesn't, does he?"
Angel stayed silent for a while. "Alastor, give Husker his soul back." Vaggie demanded as she held her spear.
"Fine, " A contract was summoned and disintegrated. "One soul won't set me back. Just remember Angel... He doesn't even remember who he was during life. He doesn't give a fuck about who you were. All he cares for, is what we are down here. And you? Well you're not much."

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