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Hermione had been walking around the town of Beacon Hills for a little over an hour. She'd already completed the errands she'd needed to and now she was walking down the street, enjoying the sun as she leisurely did some window shopping with Magic pulling her along.

He had stopped her a few times for him to sniff at a fire hydrant or a bin, and even when a mother and a small child walked past because he wanted kisses and cuddles. It was fair to say, Magic had made the crying child's day when he bestowed licks to the little toddler's cheeks and the mother had looked grateful that her son had finally stopped crying.

Hermione had managed to pull Magic away and allowed the mother and son to go about their business and they continued with their exploration. It was a little after lunch when hunger struck Hermione and she found that she was craving some ice cream, it was the first craving she'd had through her pregnancy, despite her nearly being finished with the first trimester which she was grateful for. She didn't know how much longer she could put up with the morning sickness.

They came to a diner, the smell of the food hitting Hermione's nose had her mouth watering, and she all but squealed when she saw the sign in the window saying 'Dogs are welcome.' That was a first; she certainly couldn't remember seeing such a food establishment in London allowing dogs entrance.

She bent down and picked Magic up in her arms so he wouldn't disturb the customers whilst they were eating, and she entered the diner, seeing the bright colours and feeling the welcoming atmosphere. Hermione happily made her way to the counter and perched herself on a stool. Magic was too big to sit on her lap so she placed him on the ground and he sat beside her obediently whilst she read through the menu.

After a few minutes, a kind old woman took her order and returned moments later with the chocolate milkshake she'd ordered and she happily took a sip, sighing as the wonderful taste helped to satisfy her craving.

"Miss. Granger?"

Hermione turned around with a slight frown before she caught sight of Scott McCall sitting at a booth all but one down from her. A smile pulled at her mouth and she picked up her milkshake and hopped off her stool, walking over to the booth with Magic following beside her.

"Hello, Scott," she smiled kindly. "And do I really look old enough to be referred to as 'Miss. Granger?'" She asked.

"I.." He tried to respond but couldn't, worried he'd offended her.

"Relax, I'm just messing with you, however, in my experience, those younger than me tend to call me 'Miss. Granger' and on other occasions, it's when I've done something I shouldn't have in school and I was being told off," she chuckled.

He stared at her and she noticed that he wasn't alone as he was sat beside another boy. This one gave off no aura whatsoever so she assumed he was human. He was slightly taller than Scott with short black hair that was spiked up at the front, light brown eyes and pale skin. He had a few freckles dotted about his face, a small mole on his left cheek and a slight upturn in his nose that made him look adorable, and he was watching her curiously.

"You may call me Hermione," she said, and he looked relieved that he hadn't offended her. "Say, shouldn't you boys be at school?" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Free period," Scott shrugged.

"Are you allowed to leave school grounds during a free period?" She asked, amused.

"Sure," both teenagers answered without thought and she laughed.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe that, but I'll take your word for it and should anyone ask, I haven't seen you."

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