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Two months later....

Time passed quickly for The Hale pack with Scott, Stiles and Liam fitting in well, visiting the cottage regularly and Hermione had been present at the last two full moons, helping to keep Liam calm and he was quickly learning to control himself.

Hermione was only two months away from the twins' due date and her stomach was bigger than ever, all the added weight she was carrying was wreaking havoc on not only her sleeping pattern and bladder, but she grew tired very easily and couldn't be on her feet for long periods of time.

Things had been too quiet lately, there'd been no supernatural cases for her to investigate and while she was happy for the fact, she couldn't help feel that something was coming.

It was the final week of school and then the summer would officially begin, meaning she would have Teddy back in her line of sight at all times and she would no longer have to worry about him.

The time he'd been at school she begrudgingly admitted it had been good for him. Not only had he made friends with children his own age and he had started taking an interest in other activities, but he'd grown in confidence. And while she didn't like that he was at school and the time she had left with him before he went off to Hogwarts was reduced, even she could see it had been the best decision with the best outcome.

As Hermione stepped out of the trees with Derek and they made their way to their own cars, she pressed a quick kiss to his mouth and climbed into her car. Derek would be picking up Teddy from school and Hermione had to a do a quick grocery run, as well as pick up some medication for Andromeda.

It was uncommon for wizarding folk to catch the muggle flu but Andromeda had somehow done so, and with her magic and body weakening, it wasn't that farfetched. Andromeda had been confined to her room for the last few days, not wanting to pass on the illness to Hermione whilst she was pregnant, and with Derek's werewolf genes meaning he couldn't get sick, he was the one that took Andromeda her meals and visited with her so she wouldn't feel lonely.

"I'll see you back at the cottage?" Derek called over to her, stood beside his car and ready to climb in.

"I should be no longer than an hour, would you mind making a start on chopping the vegetables? I'll do the rest when I get back."

"Alright, and don't forget we need ketchup."

"Already?" She asked amused.

"The pup's practically drinking it straight from the bottle," Derek shrugged.

She snorted. "I won't forget, but don't you forget to find out how many cookies the school wants for the charity bake sale. It'd be easier to just donate ourselves but I promised Teddy he could decorate the short bread."

"I won't, and don't you forget we need bread for Teddy's lunch box."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not going to, but I'm going to remind you to not leave his lunch box behind."

"I've learned my lesson," he grimaced.

They'd accidentally left Teddy's lunch box at the school over the weekend once and Hermione had forced him to clean it; it hadn't been a pleasant experience, the smell alone had knocked him sick.

"Good, I'll see you later," she said, shutting the car door behind her, getting herself comfortable and then sending a little wave to Derek as she drove past him.


Derek stood outside the school with his eyes darting about the crowds of children and their waiting parents, watching and waiting for Teddy to make an appearance. He'd been there five minutes and so far he hadn't caught sight, smell or heard him, but he knew it wasn't anything to worry about. Teddy was usually one of the last ones out of the school either being too busy talking to his friends or he'd forgotten something and had to go back for it.

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