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"Are you happy now?" Said Derek, grateful that they were nearing Beacon Hills and only had twenty minutes left of their journey.

"Very," she nodded, sipping at her milkshake.

After they had both gotten ready and packed up their belongings, they left the motel to find a place for an early dinner and an hour later, they were on the road and making their way back home. Halfway through the journey, Hermione had to use the bathroom and they had no choice but to stop. Not long after that, Hermione had forced him to pull over at a diner –and at actual wand point, too, which both amused and frightened him- so she could get a milkshake, and after fifteen minutes of sitting inside, they left with Hermione ordering a second one to go.

"I'm not sure if all this chocolate and ice cream is good for the baby," Derek commented.

"I don't care; it's the baby that wants it, not me," she replied. He snorted. "Don't forget we have to pick up Magic," she reminded as the sign welcoming them to Beacon Hills came into view.

He rolled his eyes but he did make sure to take the turning that led to Scott's house, rather than the turning that took them closer to the cottage. As soon as they pulled up and Hermione climbed out of the car, she heard barking coming from the house and moments later, the door opened and her puppy came bounding through the door and over to her, almost tripping in his excitement.

He jumped up at her excitedly and she laughed and crouched down on the ground, Magic licking her face, tail wagging happily and unable to keep still.

"I missed you, too," she laughed, scratching him behind the ears and she stood to full height when Scott appeared, her backpack in hand.

"Hi," she smiled in greeting. "Thank you for looking after him, I know he's a handful."

Scott smiled. "He's energetic but I wouldn't say he's a handful. He had me up at five o'clock this morning wanting to go for a run."

"And you gave in?"

He shrugged. "I needed the fresh air."

"At five in the morning, yes, I'm sure you did," she deadpanned.

He laughed, reaching down to pet her puppy. "You're lucky you've gotten him back; my mom wanted to keep him. She would've hid him from you if she wasn't at the hospital."

"He is adorable," she agreed. "I suppose we better go, I've got to check on Crookshanks and Snowball."

At her words, Magic bolted towards the car and hopped onto the passenger seat, Hermione not having the chance to stop him. She winced, waiting for Derek's unpleased reaction that her dog was ruining the leather interior but it never came. Rather, a deep laugh sounded when Magic forced himself onto Derek's lap, wedging himself in between him and the steering wheel as he licked his face.

It took her a moment to process before she returned her attention to the teen werewolf.

"Thank you for watching him," she said once more. "I really appreciate it."

"He was no bother, and if you need a dog-sitter in the future, you know where to find me."

She reached into her back pocket and pulled free several bills, holding them out to him. She said her goodbyes and headed towards the car, pausing as she was just about to step inside and she peered at him over her shoulder.

"One hundred dollars?" She heard him splutter.


"But it was only one night," he argued.

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