3~ I'm Sure She's Lovely

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For the rest of the week I found a note by my locker everyday. Me and Con were still unaware of who was sending them, it was starting to really bug me. The notes had started getting longer too, they started out as a few kind words, but then they developed into well-structured sentences.

"I love you more than I thought I could ever love," I breathed as I read out the note from today to Con, "Love from, Unknown."

He gave me a sympathetic look, "Well, it looks like they really do love you."

I leant back on my locker and sighed, "Love is just a myth."

"No it's not," Connor disagreed, "I love Rex, you love Jesse, do you not?"

He had a point, I did love Jesse. More than I could love anyone else.

"I guess you're right," I huffed,"I'm going to the library, you coming?"

Con shook his head, "Nah, I've got a detention."

I nodded slowly, "Oh- okay, I'll uh, see you later?"

Con smiled, "See ya."

I walked to the library on my own, it was a sunny day so most of the other students were outside, the hallways were empty, probably due to the fact it was lunchtime.

I entered, it was vacant except for the librarians who were half asleep. I cautiously looked around the bookcases. I didn't know what I wanted to read, so I just wandered. I stopped at the section reading 'Religion and Life', not because I wanted to read one of the books, but because I caught a glimpse of somebody familiar.

Tristan Evans.

He was sat on a table in the corner shaded by a tall bookshelf, he had a few books on romance poetry stacked in front of him and as he read he noted down elements of poetry on a notepad.

I grabbed the nearest book to be off the 'Religion and Life' section and sat down opposite him. He didn't notice I was there, he just continued noting down poems.

"What's that for?" I asked quietly.

Tristan flinched as I spoke, he quickly shut his notebook and ran a nervous hand through his hair.

"It's for uh- a homework assignment for English." He stuttered.

I nodded. It made sense.

"Finding your sexuality?" Tristan chuckled, looking at the book in my hand.

"Huh?" I said.

I glanced down at the book I had randomly selected from the shelf; 'Finding Your Sexuality' was its title. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as Tristan smirked at me.

"Oh I uh-" I stammered.

"You're gay? Aren't you?" Tristan asked.

I was openly gay, yes. Everybody knew.

I nodded slowly, watching his reaction.

"There ain't nothing wrong with that," Tris smiled at me, "Anybody you've got your eye on? Eh?"

Yes. You.

I shook my head, "No, not really."

Tristan's smile faded a little, he looked down at the closed notebook and nodded.

"What about you?" I asked, hoping to cheer him up a little, I wondered why he was so down all of a sudden.

He shrugged and blushed, "Yeah, there is this one person..."

I felt quite sad, Tristan would never love me. He was too popular and perfect and way out of my league.

I felt my eyes sting with tears that were threatening to fall, but I wouldn't let them, not in front of Tristan.

"Well uh, I'm sure she's lovely..." I muttered, looking down.

Tris frowned when I said 'she's' which was odd. He's one of the straightest boys in our school.

"Yeah." Tristan said, meeting my sad eyes, "She is."

Tris picked up his notebook and tucked his pen behind his ear, "Anyway, I'm off. See you later Bradley."

"Bye..." I mumbled as he left the library, leaving me alone.

Tristan was way too good for me, he was funny, popular, gorgeous and just perfect.

I reached over the table and grabbed the book he was reading. It was full of poems and quotes about love. I smiled softly and wiped away a tear that had slid down my cheek, they were so cute.

I'd never be good enough to get a love note from Tristan, only 'Unknown'.

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