14~ On Behalf Of Bradley

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"I know who unknown is." I panted as I crumpled to my knees, the hard pavement was no comfort.

He stopped sobbing momentarily, his face froze and he looked up at me slowly, his bottom lip quivering and brown eyes bloodshot.

He looked utterly heartbroken, an absolute mess. He didn't even respond to me, or seem to register what I had just said, instead he cried out even louder and fell into my lap. He curled up like a needy puppy, wet brown curls sprawled all over me as he trembled with sobs.

He was so upset, so upset that he took no notice of what I'd just said. But maybe that was for the better? I didn't want to overwhelm him with news, not whilst he was having a meltdown in under a bus stop in the middle of the night.

"I h-hate," He blubbered, his words escaped between sobs, "Tristan!"

The mention of his name made my blood boil. I was having mixed emotions about Tristan at the moment. I always knew he had a secret, I always knew he was sneaky, a liar. I told Brad that, I told him that Tristan was hiding something.

But now I know what that something is, his love for Bradley.

At the party when Tristan told me Brad had ran off crying, he offered to help me look for him. As angry as I was at him, I agreed to let him help, and that's when he said, "I'll come with you, just let me get my phone from the bathroom." When he said that my jaw dropped, it was Tristan's phone I had found in the bathroom, it was Tristan's phone that was posing as Unknown's.

Tristan is Unknown.

But Bradley doesn't know that.

After Tristan had said that, he left me to retrieve his phone from the bathroom, unaware that it was actually in my back pocket, and that I knew that he is Unknown. As soon as he was out of my sight I got out of that house as fast a I could, I ran down the rainy midnight street in search of Brad.

I intended on telling him that Tristan is Unknown, but he is definitely not in the right state of mind to hear that news right now.

He was currently crying in my lap over something that Tristan had done, and I was yet to find out what that was.

I shakily moved his fringe out of his eyes, "Baby, what did he do?"

He pawed at his eyes with his hands in an attempt to dry them.

"H-He asked me to kiss him, in the b-bedroom..." He paused to take a deep breath, "And after you w-went to the toilet I... I saw him..."

I stared at him with my eyebrows raised, encouraging him to continue. I already knew Brad and Tris didn't kiss, because of Brad's messages on Tristan's phone.

"I saw him kissing Eden. She was basically, t-trying to crawl down his th-throat." He sobbed, "It was disgusting! That could have been me! I thought he liked me!"

I thought to myself, Tristan does like him, he loves him. But Brad doesn't know that.

It is so ironic, how I'd always tell him that Tristan is bad for him, and Unknown is good for him, because Unknown loves him, and Tristan doesn't. He'd say the opposite. Until tonight, I was totally unaware they were the same person, Tristan and Unknown.

I smiled reassuringly, "You're better than Eden in every way imaginable, if Tristan can't see that, he's an idiot."

His crying had died down, he kept sniffling and fiddling with my shirt, "He's just drunk, that's why he asked me to kiss him. Not because he likes me, but because he's drunk."

"I don't think he did it because he was drunk." I said slowly, "There's probably another reason."

He simply shook his head and got to his feet, shivering slightly.

I stared up at him in silence for a minute, thinking.

"Con?" He whispered.


"Please can you walk me home?"

I stood up and took his hand in mine, rubbing my thumb in circles against his palm. We walked all the way to his house in complete silence. His mum was out, so I took him straight upstairs and he crawled into bed, with his soaked clothes still on. I stared at him in awe, and once I was sure he was asleep I crept downstairs and let myself out.

I took the long way home, I needed some time to think about what had happened, it was a lot easier to comprehend as I was sobering up.

My mum didn't question me when I came home, I felt exhausted but I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned in my bed for at least an hour, and when I finally felt my eyes falling shut, a phone vibrated from somewhere on the floor.

In the pitch black of my bedroom I scrambled around the floor until I found my jeans, I pulled out Tristan's phone to see he had a few new messages.

Eden E:
babe why did you push me off you like that ? I thought I was a good kisser

I cringed at that one.

James McVey:
Hey bro, couple of things I need to talk to you about but everyone's saying you left in a hurry? something happen with Eden? i cant find connor either, call me xx

I half smiled at the mention of my name.

But my smile fell when he started receiving texts from Brad, all one after the other, I thought he was asleep? I took him home hours ago?

unknown ive been thinking about that question you asked me

the one about tristan

i have an answer for you

i HATE tristan evans

Incoming call from Bradley💜

I watched in horror as the phone vibrated in my hand, I didn't dare answer the call, nor decline it. I let it ring out, in total Brad called 4 times, I ignored every single one.

You know what? Connor was right, he was right all along. Tristan doesn't love me and he never will. He doesn't treat me like you do, Unknown. I know you love me, I hope one day we can sort something out Xxx I'll speak to you in the morning

The message made me feel so guilty, even though its Tristan that is actually in the wrong.

I'd always tell Brad that Tristan is a fuckboy, and that he'd break his heart, and he would never believe me.

But now Tristan has broken Bradley's heart.

And on behalf of Bradley, I am going to break Tristan's too.


there's so much thinking in this chapter ?


and also it's been a year since chapter 1 got published??? wtf??? happy birthday unknown ???


lmao if any of u are from the UK and have seen the programme 'first dates' BRAD WAS ON IT I ACTUALLY SOBBED

ALSO: Pokemon Go omg

gotta catch em all

Pls vote/comment/follow and I will love you forever 💎🌟

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