15~ Sixty-Nine Sixty-Nine

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"Tris!" James' voice called up the empty corridor as he jogged up to me from behind, "Tris, I've been trying to get hold of you all weekend?"

I halted and groaned in frustration, I came to school really early to avoid James, well, to avoid everyone really. After the party I've been a complete mess. I hadn't left my bedroom for two days, when my mum asked what was wrong, I simply told her I had a hangover. It was more than that though. I felt sick with guilt, and anxiety. The events of that night were mostly a blur, but I can remember upsetting Brad, and him leaving the party in the middle of the night drunk out of his mind.

James caught up with me and gave me a confused look.

"Oh yeah, I lost my phone at Levi's." I muttered and quickened my pace, hoping he'd leave me alone.

"Um, Tris I want to talk to you about something?"

I clutched the note tightly in my hand, I was on my way to deliver it to Brad's locker, but James kept stalling me. I could still be Unknown, even if Brad was angry at me. He doesn't know I'm Unknown.

"Alright, make it quick though James because I've got something to do." I tapped my foot nervously.

"Well uh, at the party I... kind of kissed Connor. And um, Levi and a bunch of people walked in on us so I'm worried that everyone's going to think I'm... gay." He said sheepishly.

Seriously, that's it? I've been James' best friend for years, it's no surprise to me that he's gay. Because well, I am too. But I can't let anyone find out that about me, not even James.

"James, mate. It's kind of obvious anyway." I said as dismissively as possible.

His eyes flew open in shock, "Wh-What's obvious?!"

I rolled my eyes and moaned, "You know, that you're a fan of... sausage."

He stared at me in disbelief. Time was passing and I needed to get this note to Brad's locker as soon as possible. I simply patted James on the shoulder and strutted up the corridor to find his locker. I stuffed the note in, sighing in relief afterwards.

Yes, James is my 'BFF' but he definitely gets on my nerves. Especially when I'm trying to do something and all he wants to talk about is how gay he is.

I turned on my heel and made my way back towards where I had left him, alone in the corridor.

But as I returned I saw he was stood with none other than Connor Ball. I was about to escape, but I caught James' eye and he called me over.

I don't understand why Connor despises me so much, he kept his cold eyes on me as I approached, his face stern with an emotion I couldn't place. I smiled timidly, his expression didn't change.

"Where's uh- where's Brad?" I stammered.

Connor scoffed, "He's on his way."

Crap. I couldn't face Brad, I just couldn't. I had to get out of there.

"Oh, I've uh just remembered, I've got some work to do..." I came out with a stupid excuse, "In the uh, library."

Connor narrowed his eyes at me, "What's the matter, Tristan Evans? If I didn't know any better I'd think you were, perhaps, avoiding him?"

James glanced between me and Connor in complete confusion. The way Connor was acting was making me feel uneasy, like he knows something.

"Oh, and I'd try and come up with a more original excuse next time. The whole 'class work' thing doesn't get past me." Connor looked cold and hard into my eyes, "Nothing gets past me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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