The Uninvited Guest [Chapter- 4]

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Aquib meets Hamid accompanied by his side man, He discloses to him that Adeel has been possessed by a malicious spirit  and attacked him for no reason. He doesn't mention  his own malicious acts for obvious reasons. Instead pretends to be worried for his cousin and his wife. Hamid asked him to rest assured as he would take care of everything now. Feeling assured, Aquib says," ok! I trust you. I leave my cousin and his wife's safety to you. I am leaving for France for a work emergency. Hopefully, I'll be back within a week. If you need any help, my man will assist you." His side man nods in affirmation.

Hamid says it's very important to tell Nadia about it as she might be in danger. Hamid calls Nadia and tells her what Aquib told him, but she doesn't believe it. "Listen to me dear! Your and your husband's life might be in danger. Confirming the validity of Aquib's claims is essential at this time. My man will meet you tonight with some things, he will tell you how to use them. In the event that our fear is confirmed, then he will be there to protect you and take you to some safe place.

Aquib calls her and shows fake concern and apologies that he can't be there with her to help her. He shares the contact details of his associate with her, requests her to reach out to him and not to confront Adeel alone. But she insists on doing it by herself.

On returning home, she acts normal and hides the mirror in a room. Adeel had went out for some work, before he returns in the night she puts the mirror in the corridor wall near their bedroom. In order to keep him preoccupied, she had organized a romantic date night and takes up his time by interacting with him. When they were going towards their room, she pretended to have sprained her foot right in front of the mirror. Adeel is concerned about her sprain and kneels to check it.

Nadia sees Adeel's reflection in that mirror, it's not Adeel in the mirror, it's the jinn in his ferocious form. Nadia is shocked to see this, but she couldn't react. He supports her to get to the room, makes her sit on the bed, and goes into the bathroom to find pain relief spray for her. The moment he comes out of the bathroom, Nadia throws a liquid from a bottle given by Hamid on him. He falls on the floor, she tells him Hamid told him everything, and he has given the mirror to prove his truth. She is angry but tears are falling from her eyes, she is not at all scared of the jinn now. Rather she is too angry. The love and concern for Adeel have overpowered the fear, she grabs the collar of his shirt and commands in anger," Leave my husband's body right now!"

Adeel(jinn) feels a sudden loss of strength, he is gasping and struggling to stand properly but he manages to utter these words," If I leave this body, only Adeel's corpse will remain back."

Despite feeling panicked upon hearing this she quickly composed herself. "What do you mean? What you have done to him?" she commands angrily.

She freezes for a moment with a realization and exhales in panic" You have killed him? It wasn't the accident! killed him!" she looks at him with rage and charges at him "Why did you do that? You evil! I will make you pay for it!" She is screaming and beating him like a crazy person.

"He was already dead when I possessed his body." He managed to speak while panting.

Nadia freezes out of the shock. "No! This can't be are lying." She screams.

"Adeel died in that attack" Adeel (jinn) has gained some strength now. He slowly walks towards the mirror and beckons her to follow her. Stunned she follows him and picks a metal vase for her protection in case he attacks her. But surprisingly he has no intention to attack her.

He stops in front of the mirror, closes his eyes, and moves his hand over it. After some time a mist is seen in the mirror, and slowly this mist begins to fade away. Somebody is standing behind it. Nadia is still in immense shock, not able to react but she is looking at what this Jinn is doing. "There is one more power in this mirror, it can work as a window to the spirit world and we can meet someone from there." He is still gasping while doing this.

Now the mist has faded away and the face of the person in the mirror is visible; it's Adeel. Nadia runs close to it, touches it in an attempt to touch him, and starts crying. She asks him about what the jinn has just told her. Adeel nods with a sad face.

Nadia starts crying loudly, Adeel begs her to calm down and listen to him. Nadia is crying uncontrollably but forces herself to listen to him carefully.

"I went to meet the lawyer with Aquib that day... he had fooled me into signing some legal documents making him the nominee of this property. This villa will be transferred to him automatically if he gets rid of both of us. I didn't understand his evil intentions then...I was blinded by family love. Despite the strained relationship between our dads, I regarded him as my real brother. The culprit behind my parents deaths was none other than his father, Nadia. I came to know all this after coming to this side. Spirits had seen everything, they've told me, and I too have encountered a multitude of sights after leaving my body."

Nadia is stunned, still sobbing but listening to him very carefully.

"Thankfully, my grandfather remained by my side as my protector after my parent's death . But when he was gone, Aquib started his plan to get rid of me. It was he, who planted Caria in my that she could marry me and get my wealth. But I never felt any connection with her, always had some institutions against that relationship. Despite making all the efforts, I couldn't make things work between us. But when I met you, I felt an instant connection and everything was perfect between us that's why I decided to marry you. Then they both tried to kill us by using black magic and sending the Jinn, when they failed, they planned that attack. But to my astonishment, this Jinn came to help me when he saw me dying that day."

Nadia looks at the jinn with a surprised look.

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