The Uninvited Guest [Chapter-6]

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Swiftly, he moves towards the staircase and finds a slide glass door concealed by a curtain in the center of the concrete wall. He removes the curtain and exhales with relief on seeing Nadia sitting near the pool. It is a beautiful bright day outside. With a vacant look on her face, she sits by the pool, gazing at the water from her chair.

He opens the door to walk towards her but stops abruptly , thinks something and goes back inside. He goes out after sometime, places a cup of coffee on the table in front of her and leaves from there. She looks at him when he leaves. But instead of going back inside; he walks by the side of the pool and stands under the tree across the pool. He is leaning against the tree with his back towards her. She looks around and realizes this was her favorite part of the property. There is a massive ground covered with grass in front of her surrounding the pool, and a big tree in the middle and few trees standing in line before the huge wall at the end. Ever since they moved here, she wanted to have a dinner date with Adeel here. She wanted to decorate it with lights especially on the corners of the pool and some lights on the big tree.

"How to make these?"

She was distracted by the voice. "Make what? She asked and turned to see Adeel(jinn) standing in front of her holding a coloured paper. "The lamps" he replies with a smile. "I know you like to make those."

"And how do you know that?" she raises her eyebrow. '"I have your memories" answers enthusiastically. "when...I possessed you." Lowers his voice and his sight. He looks like an embarrassed and guilty child talking about mischief.

"Oh ! you mean when you turned my eyes into the snake eyes and" made me crawl on the wall" her voice raises. She moves forward, ties her hands in front while elbows resting on her knees. "when you make me act like a demon and scared the shit out of my husband and my friends". Her face is red with anger at this point. "And not to forget! Attacked my husband!"

She leans back on the chair, crosses arms and turns her face away from him "Monster!" she taunts.

"I was made to do it! I was just a weapon at someone's hands." He argues while approaching her. "I was locked in a dark place for hundreds of years...I was in agony and I was furious." He has come near her chair, still holding that paper. "That shaman freed me and made a deal with me in return. Yes...I had turned into an evil" lowers his voice while making that guilty child's face again. "How would you feel if you were at my place? I had never harmed anyone...I just..."

"It was your story!" she interrupts him. He looks surprised, he slowly sits on the chair in front of her. "The story you were telling me that night." Her voice is soft and compassionate.

He nods!

"I was supposed to kill him that night when I...possessed you. They wanted me to kill both of you. But I...couldn't kill him." He looks into her eyes. "Your love for Adeel stopped me.../yes I was jealous of him. And..."

"You wanted to take his place?" she interrupts him and gets up. "And look! You succeed!" leaves angrily. Adeel(jinn) feels a pang of sadness as he observes her walking away. She stomps her way to her room and slams the door.

Every passing day feels like an eternity as she remains silent, lost in her own world. He watches over her diligently, tending to her every need without a single complaint. The weight of her unspoken words hangs heavy in the air, creating a palpable tension between them. Despite the lack of communication, he knows that their bond runs deep, and he will stop at nothing to make sure she is taken care of. Their days are filled with quiet moments and small gestures of affection as he takes her out on her favorite excursions, trying desperately to bring a glimmer of light back into her eyes. Aquib contacts his associate who he instructed to watch over Nadia and Adeel. He expected her to call Hamid and get the jinn exorcised from Adeel's body so that he can kill them without any problem. But his informer tells him nothing like that happened. Everything seems normal between them; he has seen them together many times. He calls Hamid and asks why he is not saving Nadia. Hamid replies" Maybe she doesn't want to be saved. Or maybe she is not in danger at all."

"What are you saying? "Aquib grunts.

"The question of whether Adeel is possessed or not still eludes me, as I haven't personally seen any evidence. Neither Nadia has confirmed this."

"But I have seen with my own eyes, his face changed, and he tried to kill me." Aquib interrupts anxiously.

"We have to wait for Nadia, I can't do anything until she asks for help."

Aquib gets angry, he disconnects immediately. He is filled with anger; he takes a deep breath and calls someone. The moment other person picks up the call, he utters" Kill her! " 

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