The Uninvited Guest [Chapter- 5]

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 "He apologized to me for possessing you and told me everything about Aquib. He entered my body with my permission to heal me and save me. I was worried for you as I knew now they will try to kill you. I was bit skeptical about his feelings for you but I saw him desperately trying his best to heal me all those days. He wanted to save me for you, for your happiness. But despite his efforts, my spirit left my body. Before leaving I took a promise from him to always protect you. Since that day he is here with you to protect you. After coming to this world I've come to know about his past now I am convinced that he can never harm you."

The Jinn is leaning against the wall next to the mirror with arms crossed and a stressed face. He is listening to Adeel's spirit and looking at Nadia, feeling sorry for her. Nadia is shattered; she falls on the floor sobbing with a blank face. She is not looking at the mirror but listening to his spirit quietly.

"The only person who can harm you is Aquib." He says and then suddenly he looks sad." I am sorry I am not there with you...I will always love you...I will pray that you come over this pain soon and find happiness again."

He disappears after saying this. Nadia looks at the mirror when she doesn't hear him talking anymore. She doesn't find him there; she runs close to it and starts crying again bitterly. "Don't leave me Adeel! Please come back....I have no one in my life. "She screams crying. Jinn, in Adeel's body, is distressed to see her like this, he advances to hold her but stops thinking she might not want it. "I have no were my only family. Please! Don't leave me." She is wailing while banging her hand in the mirror. He can't see her like this anymore he embraces her and tries to calm her down. Tears appears in his eyes too. She falls on the floor crying badly, almost struggling to breathe. He is sitting there holding her, her head is on his shoulder, she is grabbing his shirt tightly while crying. He is rubbing her shoulder gently and trying to calm her down. Suddenly she calms down for a while, raises her head from his shoulder, and looks at him sobbing. Adeel(jinn) caresses her cheeks gently and swiftly moves the stray hairs away from her face. "Please! Stop crying...I can't see you like this. I know what you feel right now have to be strong." He says in a soft whispering tone. She is sobbing horribly while looking at him. Then suddenly she pushes him with full force and leaves. He goes after her but she enters the room and locks the door immidietly. He asks her to open the door. He leans on the door, then sits down and says while placing one hand on the door, "I am here...I am always here for you...Please let me come inside, I can take away your pain." Nadia doesn't listen to him. She passed the entire night sobbing on her bed.

Adeel requests Nadia to come out of the room next day and requests her to eat something but she doesn't answer him and neither opens the door. She is curled in on the bed, hearing his voice but she ignores it. She tightly hugs the pillow. She can listen to her phone vibrating again and again; she gets irritated and finally picks it. It's a video call from Hamid, he asks her if she is okay. Nadia doesn't know what to say, she disconnects without saying anything.

After few minutes, she receives a voice mail from him telling her that he is just a call away in case she needs help. Adeel(jinn) has been waiting for her to come out till afternoon, but she doesn't come out. He shouts that he will break the door if she doesn't come out, waits some more time, and then breaks the door. Nadia shouts at him and asks him to leave her alone.

"I will leave you alone if you eat something." He says. He has a plate of food in his hand and sits on the bed next to her. He is holding a plate in one hand and tries to feed her with another.

He takes the food near her mouth but she pushes his hand away with a jerk, the food fell on the floor; he takes another bite and tries to feed her again. She does the same, he exhales with a smile and tries again. She looks at him with blank face but pushes his hand again, gently this time. He offers her again; she turns away her face and slides away a bit from him. He moves close to her and tries to feed her again.

She slowly open her mouth and eats this time. He looks bit relived and takes another bite to feed her. "Why you are doing this?" she asks while looking into his eyes. "If you continue eating little food, I'll tell you." He said while taking food ear to her mouth. She nodded and ate it. When I possessed you, there was a change within me; your soul had some effect on me along with the influence of Hamid's prayers and the depth of Adeel's love for you. When I left your body, I found myself slightly less engulfed by darkness. I don't know if you listened to that story I was telling you that night. But I was not always bad, you reminded me of my goodness. And I...."

He heisted and looks into her eyes "I love you...I want to see you happy...that's why I wanted to save Adeel. You are free to leave me...I will never bother you ever again. But until I fulfil my promise with Adeel, I need to stay with you." He continues feeding her. She hold his hand "What will happen if you leave Adeel's body?" she demands.

"It will become a corpse" he replied in almost whispering tone. "No! don't do that...don't turn him into a corpse. Don't stop his heartbeat" she puts hand on his chest and looks at it." Don't let his existence vanish" he looks at his face. "I want his body breathe, his smile brightens my day..."she rests her face on her knees "His voice soothes my ear...his warm hands...comfort me" she whispered and exhaled heavily while tears roll down her cheeks. Adeel gets up leaving plate on the bed. He was about to place a hand on her shoulder but stops "I can take away your pain. I have the power to make your pain fade away, paving the way for healing." he said.

"No!" tightly wraps her arms around her knees, "I want to be alone" she says and turns her face away from him. He slowly leaves the room.

Few days passed like this, Nadia remained quiet but didn't show any resentment against him, though she didn't allow him to take care of her either. He is being patient, the fact that she isn't showing any hatred towards him is quite reliving for him. "Will she accepts me as a friend one day?" he wonders.

One day he doesn't find Naida in her room ; he calls her while looking for her anxiously in the kitchen and all the rooms. A troubled look crosses his face, signaling his distress. 

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