Chapter 1

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Lollipops POV:

I woke up in the tour bus which at the moment was parked somewhere in Goiky but when I checked the time it read 2:54 am. Too early and we have a concert tomorrow. I can't sleep though, too many thoughts and such. I currently work with my buddies to perform music. Gelatin is the DJ, Teardrop is kinda like a vocaloid (robot singer) or something as ever since she lost her voice, a good friend of ours named Golf Ball made a head band for her that helps her sing and talk? It's hard to describe, and flower and I handle the main stuff. This SOUNDS lame but I swear, it is a fun job! And our fans are always so nice to meet!

I grabbed my jacket and made my way out of the tour bus to maybe calm myself. What? It's worked before! I grab a couple cans of bubble pop and open one as I start drinking it and looking at the stars when I heard a small creak.

"Hm? Hello?"



I then see Teardrop pop out of a nearby bush looking defeated.

"What's wrong TD? You look sad."

Teardrop was trying to make movements as communication but failed and she pointed to me as I remembered I have her headband in my jacket pocket so I reach in and hand her the hand band as she turns it on and finally uses the headband to speak.

"Morning Lolli. I am sad because you caught me"

"*chuckle* That's reasonable"

"I am worried about the concert."

I start to feel a bit worried. TD never feels nervous about performing!

"Why is that?"

"Because Flower was planning on us all stacking up and I am gonna be at the top. What if I fall?!"

"Wait...what?! She didn't tell me about this!"

This is horrible! She didn't tell us about the changes and we don't have time to rehearse!

"I have already lost my voice, I don't wanna lose anything else..."

"I will try and talk with her about it. Maybe she can change the plans back to normal. Until then, let's go to sleep."

Teardrop nods and makes her way back to the tour bus and tries to climb the steps before I help her up. She climbs to the top bunk she shares with Gello who was on the bottom bunk and waves good night as she hands me the headband back.

"I promise TD. I will talk with her. I think it is kinda a bad idea too."


Flowers POV:

It's too early to be up but I can't sleep. I am so excited about my plans! I hope that the others like my idea. I am gonna make us all stack on each other's heads! I will stand on lollipop, Gelatin will stand on my head and TD will stand on Gelatin! It's genius! And I know we won't have time to rehearse but maybe we can figure something out!

I hear noises and I quickly act like I am asleep. I start hearing small pattering and other noises. TD?

I start hearing someone's voice and I recognize it as Lollipops voice.

"I promise TD. I will talk with her. I think it is kinda a bad idea too."

A bad idea? did TD tell Lolli about my idea? Oh no! She doesn't like it! What now?!

I start to doze off and my little panicked brain goes to sleep finally. I will maybe try and talk with her later.

Gelatin's POV:

I know it is too early to be up but I am kinda on edge around flower ever since her "idea" was set into motion. I dunno how I will have time ALL the way from my turn table to them? Not to mention that we are all on different sides of the stage. I hear other noises and stuff so I decide to just try and go back to sleep. I guess TD couldn't sleep either. Quickly all the noises stop and I see Lolli climb to the her bottom bunk underneath Flower. I guess she is going to bed too. I sit up after the noises stop and get up to maybe get a midnight snack. Maybe things will change tomorrow.

Teardrops POV:

I woke up to talk to Lollipop about my worry. I am never EVER nervous about performing and everyone knows that! But ever since flower and her idea, I have been worried! What if I lose something else?! I would've been as worried if I wasn't supposed to be at the top!

It's too early to be up but me and my stage partner Gelatin were SO excited about this performance if it weren't for Flowers crazy plan. I WAS able to talk until about a year ago when I snuck out of the tour bus for the night and lost control of my bike and the rest is history. Dumb right? But then our bossy-yet-smart friend Golf Ball made me a cool head band that replicates my voice PERFECTLY! It's so cool and it looks so cute! I am usually not a cutesy person but this headband is an exception.

The next day:

Lollipops POV:

It is finally a time I can wake up. 8:43. I get up and start getting ready. We still have to go eat before the performance tomorrow. I brush my teeth (sweet tooth lol) and put on a cute outfit. We don't HAVE to wear clothes but we do sometimes.

Flowers POV:

Today I HAVE to talk to Lolli about the performance! If I don't, we have to go with our old, lame plans.

I woke up and waited for Lolli to leave before I got up, got ready, and followed her outside.

"Hey Scribblepop!" (REFERENCE YOOO)

"Hello Fashion queen" (REFERENCE AGAIN WHAT)

"So, I had this GREAT idea! I was thinking that we-"

"You want us to stack?"

"I-yes. I did. How did you know?"

I already knew how she knew! I just wanted to act it out so she didn't know that I knew!

"TD told me."

"I shoulda told her later..."

"How do you expect us to do all this in a day?? We have the performance at 5:30 TOMORROW!"

I should've ALSO thought of that.

"You never know! We could've been able to it if you weren't so against it!"

"Well that's because this idea is SO outrageous that even TD is nervous!"

I was honestly shocked. TD is NEVER nervous about performances! I can only imagine how Gelatin is!

"Well they can get over it because we are doing it and that is FINAL."

I was finally ready for Lolli to drop it and let this play out. Doesn't she know how good this idea is?

I walk back into the bus and wake up the others so maybe we can get something to eat.


Authors note:

Oh my collagen, I have been waiting a month before sharing this with you guys and, honestly? I'm proud./srs

I have been sitting with ideas and stuff for a LONG time!  I even have stuff planned! 

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