Chapter 2

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Gelatin's POV:

Flower woke me up and looked like she was FUMING but I didn't want to ask why.

TD and I got ready and put on small disguises as we walked out, we hopped on our bikes (separate transportation) (TD rode on the back of Lollipops ride) And finally made it to the bakery where I found an old friend of mine. He was a donut with simple pink icing over the majority of him as he also wore a pink apron and had a look of annoyance on his face.

"Hello... welcome to 'Baked Bread Goods', how can I help you..."

"Yo, Donut, is that you bro?"

He looked up from the counter.

"What? How do you know my name?"

He didn't know who I was until I lifted my hoodie.

"Gelatin? Wow! It's been so long!"

Flower took off her hood to get a better look.

"Gello, you know him?"

"You don't? It's Donut! Y'know...

"Yeah. Sure. Also, hey bud! What's up? Been a while dude!"

Flower leaned back awkwardly at the mention of her...old gender.

"You good dude?"

"Well, it's just that..'dude' is not how I go by anymore?"

Donut seemed surprised as his eyebrows raised slightly

"Ah! I see. Well, Flower, nice to meet you again, Girl."

Flower smiled as Donut called her that.

"Well, 'Bagel Brain', nice seeing you too!"

Lolli walked up to the counter and lifted her hoodie as Donut quickly looked annoyed.


"What? Still upset I flirted with your girlfriend?"

"Not girlfriend no longer."

I quickly started hearing walking coming to the counter as a Bag filled with barf walked to the counter.

"Honey, you have to stop describing marriage like that."

"What? It's true! You're no longer my girlfriend! You're my wife!"

"'re making people think we broke up."

"Oh. Huh."

She quickly shot a glance at me and smiled.

"Gelatin! Is that you?"

I nodded with a smile as Lollipop rolled her eyes and leaned over the counter.

"So, what have you been up to?"

"Why do you care."


As I suddenly heard a voice that I quickly recognized as I saw a red fast food carton filled with French fries walk out with the same pink apron as Donut.

"Who on earth are you- oh..! Hey Gelatin!"

He went from upset to pleasantly surprised quickly.

"What's up dude? Nice seeing you!"

"Meh, nothing much. How about you? You seem...unbusy? That's odd."

"We have been wearing disguises so..."

"Oh yeah, makes sense."

"How is Puffball?"

"Great! She is currently babysitting Grassy and Rocky so yep!"

"Yeah, how are they anyways? And Basketball?"

"Good! Good. The kids are already in MIDDLE SCHOOL. Basketball is just helping out GB and TB with Rocky while she works two jobs..."

"Seems like a lot, no?"

"She is having a hard time right now..."

"What happened?"

"She is just having a hard time keeping up with Grassy"

"Oh, that makes sense"

"Do you want anything?"

We just ordered, said our goodbyes. Before we left however, I DID get Donuts number to keep in touch. We had no idea we what would have to hear that day.

AUTHORS NOTE:____________________________________________________________

I'm so tired rn.

I just pranked my friend by saying:

"This is ———-'s mother. I wanted to tell you that she (mom doesn't know I'm non-binary) died of overdose a few minutes ago. We will explain funeral details later."

He hasn't replied to any of my texts in an hour 😭😭😭


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