Chapter 3

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Lollipops POV:

It was almost time for the concert. I was getting REALLY NERVOUS because I know Flower, she probably thinks we are going through with it. We were already getting ready and I was putting on my jacket and sunglasses as TearDrop wore her headband, and blue arm and leg warmers. Gelatin wore green wristbands and headphones and Flower wore a pink handmade sweater and lots of makeup. She is so pretty...WAIT GETTING OFF TRACK (sorry mi amor, I know you like Lolli x Ruby .-.) we were almost ready when I saw Gelatin pull Flower to the side. I wonder what they're doing.

Gelatin's POV:

I HAD to talk to Flower about this whole "stack" thing.

"Flower, I know you want us to stack but I think that-"

"No, I understand. We won't do it."

"I wasn't finished. I think that, we should stack AFTERWARDS as a grand finale."

"Wait. Seriously?!"

We discussed it a bit and told TD about it. She agreed, still a bit nervous but more calmed since we now were able to do it AFTERWARDS.

Flowers POV:

OMGA THANK PEDALS SAKE. I was SO nervous that we wouldn't go through with it!

Teardrops POV:

We shouldn't have gone through with this. Now my nervousness is at an ALL TIME HIGH. Ever since the bakery, I was chill and calm. Now. I'm. PANICKING. I am gonna have to talk with Lolli. GAH I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Lollipops POV:

TD told me what's been going on and I am. Not as upset as I thought? It's afterwards no? What's the big deal?


Normal POV:

The crowd was cheering loudly as they each individually.

"What's up YoyleLand?!"

The crowd cheered loudly as the person announced the concert.

After a few minutes, the performance started and everyone was going crazy. After a few hours, the concert was almost ready when through the Walkie-Talkies on their necks...

"Hey Lolli?"


"Do you still wanna.."

"Hey y'all, butting in lol, I think we should do it."

"You realize how out of context you guys sound, right?"



"Let's just get this over with."

The group looked at each other and nodded as Lolli ran to Flower and lifted her over her shoulders and Flower pulled Gelatin up and over her shoulders, TD ran up to the stack yet, she hesitated. She stood there for a moment as her eyes widened.

"Psst, you don't have to do it."

"No, I do."

Teardrop quickly jumped onto Flowers arm as she slinged TD up to the top of the tower as she tried to balance...she...did it. She stood in surprise for a second before smiling and waving to the crowd as the others did the same.

After the performance, they all un-stacked and went backstage.

"Guys, that was great!"

"Yeah! We should do tha-"

"Never again."

We all laughed at that remark.

"That's understandable. Let's just go home."

Little did they know, they would have a new surprise headed their way...

AUTHORS NOTE____________________________________________

O. M. G. A. 

This was a very short chapter and I apologize but, it's 12:44 where I'm at, and I am tired. I wanted to get this one OUT OF MY BRAIN. I also have HUGE plans for the future. Lemme know if you want a sneak peek at anything!


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