Chapter 4

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Lollipops POV:

I got a notification on my phone about some hit singers on their way up to our level of fame. I wasn't too worried about it until they released a new song that BLEW UP. These guys weren't gonna steal our position on MY watch. I woke up the others as I walked out.

"What's this all about?"

"Yeah. You disturbed my beauty sleep."

"Yeah, what's the point of waking us up so early?"

"I'll tell you what. Other singers passing us on the rankings!"

Flower spits out her drink in surprise as TD looked furious and pulled out her phone.

"These nutjob's names are...Loser and Winner."

"Seriously?! Oh come on."

"We are gonna have to get it together to raise our role! Oh, no. She is gonna be so mad!"

"Here, I'll call her to see what we can to."

I picked the phone to my ear and made the call.

"Hello? Leafy?"

"Hi Lolli! What's up?"

"You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Loser and Winner passed us on rankings."

"Wait. Seriously?! Oh jeez. Let me call the other director and we can start on making a new song. Call you back."

"Alright. Bye."

Leafy hung up the phone and I sighed.

"Gelly boi. Get your turn table ready."


Gelatin was working a melody whilst TD, Flower and I worked out lyrics to go with it.

"I was thinking something like...

Let's go to a place~

Nobody judge~

We can-"

"What are we, a sad music band? Get it together TD!"

Teardrop leaned back a bit.


"We need something more captivating! Like...uhh...

Let's put us together~!

We got what we need and that's all~!

We got this together~!"

"That doesn't even rhyme. It's just repeating."

"But that's what the people are into now!"

"We could just...make a cover song."

They all sat in silence.


"Not for nothing. We could put it in our next album. But what if we did an acapella of Everything Stays."

Everyone thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan."

Gelatin made a small instrumental but changed for us to sing over as we sat, and memorized the lyrics.

"Let's go in the garden~

You'll find something waiting~

Right there where you left it~

BFB Fame AU: Newbie Alliance [ON HAITUS]Where stories live. Discover now