Chapter 5

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Flowers POV:

I looked ALL OVER town for Teardrop and I can't find her! I don't know what I'm gonna do if I can't find her.

I eventually call GolfBall and Tennis Ball. Maybe they will know what to do.


"What do you want."

"Teardrops missing."


I heard a bit of noise in the background.

"GB, who are you talking to?"

I heard a bit of more noise.

"We are on our way. Where are you."

"2763rd street."

"We will be there in a bit."


"So...Lollipop basically told her off and then she ran?"

"That's about it."

"Then why are we so worried? She is just doing what she wants."

"Cuz she is our friend and needs help!"

"Here. Lemme call BasketBall. She should know what to do."

GB held the phone to her ear using her mechanical arm.

"BB? Hey, it's Gb. We wanted to know if you could help us."

"Yeah, with what?"

"TD is missing and-"

"Lemme stop you there. I know where she is but she doesn't want to associate with ANYONE right now."


BB hung up the phone.

"So? What's happening?"

"Get in the van."

After a bit, they pulled up to the front of Basketballs house and GB knocked on the door. Grassy opened the door.

"Hm? Oh, hi GB!"

"Hi Grassy! Can we talk to your mom?"

"She said not to..."

"Oh. Can we come in?"

Grassy looked at the ground sadly.

"She said not to do that either."

GB got angry and pushed Grassy to the side.

GB walked into the kitchen area and saw BB.


"Gah! How did you get in here?!"

Teardrop ran in after hearing BB yell and stood in shock.

"Why are you here."

Flower ran up to her and scooped her into a hug.

"We were looking for you! You scared us!"

"I don't understand."

"You have to come back! We need you!"

The others walked by, looking at her trustfully.

"I-fine. But."

The others waited to see what she would say.


"We go to McYoyles."

The others laughed.

"Sure. Let's go."

Grassy tugged on BB.

"Can I go?"

"Let's all go."

Grassy cheered and they all got in GB's van and drove to McYoyles.


"How could you just tell her off like that?! She is one of the best people we have EVER MET AND YOU JUST KICKED HER OUT?!"

"I wasn't watching my words. I wouldn't. I just-"


"No. If you would listen. *inhale, exhale* I can explain. I am tired of having to take care of everyone. I have been having to deal with EVERYONES trouble. I haven't been able to think straight! (Cuz you're gay) and I am SO TIRED. I was just...fed up. And I'm sorry."

"I...didn't know. You have worked so hard and you...were just too strong for too long. Hm."

"I'm sorry."

Gelatin was gonna hug Lolli but didn't.

"I would hug you if I wasn't still sick."

Lollipop laughed.

The group opened the door and saw Lollipop as Teardrop looked at her upsettingly.

"What you said today hurt Y'know."

"I'm aware. And I apologize."

"I...I forgive you."

The group looked surprised.


The group laughs at her remark and sit down and start to eat. Lolli got a notification on her phone and almost choked on her burger when she got a text...

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