Chapter 6

123 1 13

Normal POV:

Lollipop got a call and quickly picked up the phone.



"Hey Leafy, What's up?"


Lolli pulled the phone away from her face as Leafy yelled.

"And what do you want us to do?"

"I dunno..make a new song? Even a cover! PLEASE JUST DO SOMETHING"

"Alright. Alright. We already have a cover mostly made, it should also rank down Winner and Loser."


"Of course. We will send it to you in few...days."





"We kinda need it in a few...hours..."


"Alright, Baiiiiii!!!"


Lollipop set the phone one the table and walked outside the van with her hands behind her head in stress. Gelatin followed her while the others were busy eating.

"Are you ok?"

"Leafy said we need a song in a few hours.""

"What?! We can't-"

"I know! We are gonna have to kick everyone out and work even faster than ever!"

"I guess...I will tell them?"

"We HAVE to!"

"*sigh* ok."


"Your kidding, right?!"

"We can't work that fast!"

"Not with all this yapping we can't! C'mon. Let's hurry."

"By the way, who are these new guys?"

"'The bros' or something like that."

"They sound odd."


We started to work on the song. Working with the lyrics from 'Everything stays'.

"Let's go in the garden~

You'll find something waiting~

Right there where you oh left it~"

After recording, Gelatin and Teardrop worked on adding the music and sfx. We were finally ready. After 6 grueling hours.


"Haiiii. What's up?"

"We have the song."

"That's amazing! Send it to me and I will post it in a bit. Baiii!!!"


After she hung up, they all celebrated.


"Ugh. *snore*"

"Flower, are you SERIOUSLY asleep?"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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