Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Glug... Glug...

The sound of bubbling water echoed. Samael opened his eyes, and as he gradually regained his consciousness, he immediately knew that he was inside a dream. He turned his head from left to right, gazing at the quiet and empty ocean as he slowly sank down, falling further away from the light. 

Ah, this...

Samael slowly closed his eyes, his lips curving into a small smile as he submerged himself in the comfortable feeling of sinking into the ocean. He knew that he was supposed to be suffocating, but for some reason, the water felt warm and comfortable, as if he were inside a mother's embrace.

Wait... Mother?

Samael abruptly opened his eyes. His body, which was supposed to be sinking into the ocean, is now amidst the clouds. He found himself gazing down at the wrecked temples of Olympus. The debris of its marble structure scattered everywhere, and gods fell into despair as their powers disappeared one by one. 


Samael tried to step back, but his body wouldn't move. He can only helplessly stare at the chaos in front of him, his chest pounding louder and his breathing getting rough and gagged. Samael gritted his teeth, clenching his fist as he tried to gain control of his body.

I never wanted this!

"Is that so?"

Samael was frozen. He could never forget that voice, no matter how many centuries had passed. That soft and serene voice, sounding so sweet, made him want to melt, yet when that voice went angry, it made him sick to his stomach to the point that he couldn't take it anymore.

He cannot move his body, but he has control of his eyes. Samael moved his eyes sideward, and he was greeted by Medusa's smile. She was floating alongside him, wearing a pure white chiton; her hair was beautifully loose with the color of ash gray; and her eyes were shining like those of a blade of steel. Samael was flabbergasted to see his mother's mortal form; her clothing seemed like the clothes that the priestess of Athena wore when he visited with Erichthonius.

Mother, you look so...


"How have you been, Samael?" 

Her sweet voice sounds like poison to him. Samael couldn't open his mouth to speak; he could only stare at Medusa, who was beside him, watching the chaos of Olympus. He saw how relieved Medusa looked as her silver eyes stared down at the gods, slowly falling to despair, as if she finally got what she wanted.

But I never want something like this.

"Why?" Samael heard Medusa speak beside him. "Why don't you want this to happen?"

Samael didn't respond. He averted his gaze and just stared blankly at the chaos unfolding in front of him.

"No, that wouldn't do, child."

Samael bit his lip when Medusa grabbed his chin and pulled him closer to take a good look at the chaotic view below. "Look closely, my son. They got what they deserved!"


He couldn't dare to look at Medusa. That voice filled with pent-up rage, and her sweet gesture, instantly turning into violence, was like a thick and heavy chain to him. Samael stood still and tried to ignore his mother's words.

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