chapter 1

75 2 0

------ = pov change
- - - - = time skip
***** = flashback/dream

TW: mentions of g@ng r@pe, r@pe of a minor, de@th

"okay so... what's his name?" jeongin asks as chan hands out the file to the other 5 in the room.

"kim seungmin, age is possibly 23. is an omega, no other information on him except what he looks like." chan says

"hyung, if we don't know anything, why call this meeting so suddenly?" hyunjin asks

"one of the betas who spies on cults for us alerted me and requested immediate removal of seungmin." chan states and the rest look at him shocked.

"that's... never been requested before... what are they doing to this poor baby?" felix frowns worriedly

"if you turn to the back, the beta recorded some details of what happened. just constant... r@pe... all day... he didn't give any descriptions of anything though. said he couldn't stand thinking about it. he left that day, he couldn't stand to come back and see that poor kid like that." chan frowns "and you know how soyoon is about these things. he will stick to the mission no matter how bad things are. if he couldn't even stand to be there.. and see what they were doing to seungmin... that's criminal."

"how are we going to go about this?" hyunjin says

"get in, grab him, arrest the people who are hurting him. find the other omegas and place them in homes. but it seems like we should take care of seungmin." chan says

"w-wait... hyung...?" jeongin asks and chan nods

"it's... seungmin? kim seungmin... does it say his scent? whats his scent? please say it says that..." jeongin looks at chan with hope in his eyes

"uhm... oh. yes, he said that seungmin had a strawberry scent. said it stood out to him alot because the rest were very bland scents for the most part." chan says and jeongin tears up, hugging himself. tears keep rolling down his face as he lets out the most gut-wreching cry. it made everyone in the room instantly get overprotective of him, worry overriding every other thought in their minds.

felix hugged jeongin, rocking him slowly, and pecking his forehead. "it's okay.. shh.. were here. you're fine."

"s-seungmo... s' seungmo.. s' seungmo" jeongin sobs "please please we have to go get him please I can't-"

chan quickly rushes over, holding onto jeongin and cupping his face "baby, breathe."

jeongin tries his best to breathe normally, to not be gasping for air, to not panic and shut down. but the thought of finding seungmin, his love, was absolutely unfathomable. now all he wanted -no, needed- was the omega in his arms.

"jeongin baby, please come back to us. it's alright, were going to get him okay?" minho says as felix lightly nips his scent gland. not enough to hurt, but to bring jeongin back from the loop playing in his brain.

"p-please.. need him now... can't take it..." jeongin sobs "want my seungmo.. please.." he begs the others who quickly start getting ready. because who were they to say no to their maknae?

chan stayed by his side however, just rubbing his back. "we're gonna go get him right now okay? but you need to be calm around him yeah? we don't know everything that happened."

jeongin nods, taking deep breaths and slowly getting himself to stop crying. he gets up to go get ready, shakily getting dressed. felix comes up to him, wrapping his arms around his slim waist, and burying his nose into his neck. he brushes up against his scent gland and takes in as much of the bread scent he can, shuddering softly. jeongin melts against him, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath in.

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