chapter 4

53 2 0

------ = pov change
- - - - = time skip
***** = flashback/dream

TW: short mention of r@pe of a m!nor, little bit of smvt at the end

jeongin instantly sprung up when seungmin bolted out the room, hyunjin following behind. but unfortunately, they didn't catch him in time to know where he was. they decide to go to the den to talk after hyunjin had convinced jeongin to do so.

"so... what happened?" chan asks

"he slipped into omegaspace, I fed him and cuddled him and gave him a bunch of love. eventually while I was feeding him he said that he could do it himself. at first everything was fine, he ate normally and everything. but once he grabbed his water to take a drink, I think he didn't know how to drink from the bottle? then he started eating the soup by scooping it up with his tongue. and I asked again if he needed help and he barked." jeongin says and the rest gasp.

"so he's a... puppy hybrid possibly?" changbin asks

"but he doesn't have ears or a tail." hyunjin says

"sometimes, in very rare cases, hybrids don't grow ears or a tail. this could be a very rare genetic condition, only records of 2 hybrids having it at this time, could be that they were poisoning him to make him not grow those things and he instead adopted a puppy headspace. or he could've been manipulated into having that headspace." minho states

"that's probably when they fed him dog food... but he said that was a punishment. did they not like his puppy headspace?" hyunjin asks

"they probably didn't. I never saw a hybrid when I was there..." jeongin sighs worriedly "he never showed signs of being a hybrid. this must be something he's supressed all his life."

"that's horribly unhealthy... we need to get him into that headspace as soon as possible." minho says "it's a miracle he isn't... dead yet.."

jeongin frowns worriedly "but he's so scared of it... how are we going to.."

"if anyone can do it, it would be you. he has all of his trust in you. and he literally loves you so much." hyunjin says and jeongin blushes shyly

"loves me..? I don't know about that."

"he obviously does." felix chuckles "but that's not important right now. we need to find him."

"yeah and jeongin will talk him down. even just having him barely in puppyspace will help." minho says and they all get up to start looking. felix is the one to find him, slowly opening the closet. seungmin starts panting heavily, shaking slightly and whimpering. felix closed the door and sat on the bed next to seungmin, slightly pushing out his scent.

"hey sweetheart. what's the matter? you don't need to hide."

seungmin starts shaking more, whimpering and crying "m' sowwy..."

"don't be sorry sweetie, you did nothing wrong. do you think we're upset with you?" felix asks and seungmin nods "m' bad.."

"no baby, you're not bad at all. you're a good boy. do you think you're bad because you barked?"

seungmin flinches and nods, his nerves overriding everything. it felt like there was a huge hole in his chest and it hurt so bad. his heart had so much pressure on it that it felt suffocating. he clenched where his heart was and sniffled.

"sweetheart, in no way is that bad. I think it would be cute to hear you bark!" felix giggles excitedly

"n-no... g-gross... b-bad.." seungmin says "m' gross... n-need punished..."

"no sweetie, you're not gross nor do you need to be punished. you're a good boy. do you understand why you did bark?" felix asks softly and seungmin flinches again at the word 'bark'

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