chapter 2

48 2 0

------ = pov change
- - - - = time skip
***** = flashback/dream

TW: mentions of g@ng r@pe, r@pe of a minor, degr@ding, cvtting, su!cide attempts, sk!n burn!ng, !ncest, @buse, forced @bortion

seungmin shivered as he got cold water sprayed on him. he was too 'dirty' for their liking so they had decided to hose him down. not bathe him, no, just hose him down like you would a dog. maybe he is just a dog. a mutt as they called him. but do dogs even get used like this? no. he's lower than a mutt. he's an object. used only for pleasure and nothing else.

now that he was hosed down, most of the blood and dirt off of his skin, it was time for the worst part of the day. today, Pak Sung, who was a beta, was leading. which was awful. that meant a lot of pain today.

he started off with taking in only two alphas in his hole and pak sung in his mouth. he knew he had to swallow pak sungs disgusting cum if he didn't want to get punished. so when they all came together, he was quick to swallow the disgusting cum. sure, he had tasted a lot of cum, some of it was actually not awful, but Pak sungs was just downright disgusting.

but Pak Sung always make sure he swallowed it all. that's why he knew he was screwed when some had dribbled out of his mouth. pak sung tsked and smacked seungmin. he didn't move or say a word though, he had already learned that lesson.

"do you want me to cut off your scent glands? huh? you know better. stupid mutt can't even do his job. bad mutt." he smacked him again and pulled out his knife, grazing his scent glands. and seungmin was beyond terrified. wanting to protect them but he knew it would be worse for him if he did. he was thankful when pak sung didn't cut them, instead just slashing his dick and arms again. of course that hurt, but atleast it wasn't his scent glands.

"you are nothing. you are just a useless toy made for breeding. but you never even have pups do you huh? are you really useful for anything?" pak sung smacks him again, gestering some betas over. "come on, use him. dumb bitch can't made babies but atleast he's a good cock sleeve right?"

and with that, he now had 6 betas shoving their way into his hole. seungmin hated it so much. he wanted to die. death would be much better than this. but no matter how hard he tried to die, he always lived. 10 years of attempts and still no results.

"you take it so well don't you? god, you're stuffed full of 6 betas and yet you don't even flinch. you really are just meant to be bred."

seungmin doesn't understand why pak sung keeps telling him this, he already knows that. he knows his place. so why keep reminding him?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

after twelve hours of being handed between alphas and betas, he was finally done. he nibbled on the crackers given by a beta for his first snack of the day. he was lucky he even got a snack. he was sitting outside of pak sungs cabin, as he had requested, drinking water out of a dog bowl. because they loved to treat him like a dog.

it made sense, he was a puppy hybrid afterall. but he hated it. he hates being reminded that he was a hybrid. because all of his betas and alphas hated that he was. so they did things like this to remind him to not lick himself, bark, or anything. because that wasn't allowed. once he was done drinking the disgusting, murky water, he grabbed the blade he had kept for himself.

he decided to try again today. maybe this time he'll be lucky. maybe he can finally be free of this hell. just as he was about to, an alpha picked him up. he teared up but didn't make a sound. why won't they let me die?

he gets carried to a cabin silently. but as soon as he's in it and the doors are closed and locked, it's far from quiet.

"you're really trying to kill yourself!? you stupid bitch! what can you not take being an omega!? should've been another subgender then. you're pathetic. thinking we would let you escape so easily." the alpha inserted himself into seungmin and he didn't move, make any sound, or even cry anymore. if anything, he was greatful it was just one alpha. it wouldn't hurt as bad. maybe he wouldn't bleed as much!

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