telling her fans

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"My hands are shaking. I'm so excited yet so nervous." Taylor chuckled as she held you in her arms.

You felt the same way she did because sharing this huge news with the world was a pretty big deal.

She read over the caption on her post that was ready to be shared on her Instagram.

With her Twitter connected to it, it would share to that platform as well when it was uploaded.

It's a short but sweet caption along with a few photos that you both decided were perfect for the announcement.

A photo from the first ultrasound, a photo of her hand on your bump, a photo of you looking down at your bump with a bright smile, and a photo of the most recent thing you just bought for the baby - a tiny pair of shoes.

It was a lot of cuteness without too many details being revealed, which was just the way you and Taylor liked things to be when it came to being open with the world.

"Don't worry, baby. Your fans are going to be so happy for you and us." You assured before kissing her cheek.

"Okay. Let's do it." She said and took a deep breath before hitting the post button.

And just like that, the news was shared with the entire world.

Immediately, people began to react.

You opened Twitter on your phone and saw it being shared and talked about by everyone, despite it just being posted.

Her fans are fast though and, as always, so supportive.

"Just as I thought. Your fans are over the moon right now." You smiled. "Would you believe it if I told you we're already trending and so is Baby Swift?"

She giggled and stared at your phone screen, seeing baby Swift trending at number one already.

"That's so sweet!" She grinned.

You locked your phone and she did the same before they were both set aside so you could focus on each other again.

"I'm so happy that it's out there with the world. Now we can enjoy the pregnancy and we don't have to hide anything."

"I'm especially relieved because the baby is growing every day which means so is my bump and before you know it, I'll be too big to even see my feet."

She hummed as she kissed your neck.

"That's going to be such a cute moment."

You shook your head with a smile.

"But now we can just enjoy everything without any worries. Everyone knows now. Let's just relax and enjoy everything that's to come." You said.

She nodded in agreement before kissing you softly.

"I love you and baby Swift so much." She smiled.

"We love you too." You happily said as she continued to kiss you.

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