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The feeling of warm sheets against her fingertips rather than your bump or soft skin caused Taylor's eyes to open quickly.

She turned the lamp on and looked over to the bathroom door before breathing out a sigh of relief to see that the door was open and the light was off, meaning that you weren't in there.

However, her anxiety was still high from your absence.

The day of your little girl's arrival was creeping closer and closer, now just a few days away.

She has barely let you out of her sight because she's afraid the second she looks away is the second you might go into labor.

But Taylor had a feeling that she knew where you were just after a few seconds - the baby's nursery.

Getting out of bed, she walked across the hall and saw you sitting in the chair as you looked around the room.

"You know it's almost four in the morning, right, darling?" She asked and you looked at her. "Why are you not in bed asleep? You and the baby need sleep."

"I know but I woke up and I got a little restless so I came in here." You explained as she walked over to you, pulling another chair in the nursery closer so she could be right beside you. "I'm sorry if I worried you."

"Our baby is just days away from her arrival, as long as she's on time. I get worried if I go into the kitchen and you're not with me." She joked. "But don't worry. It's alright, as long as my girls are doing well."

"We are." You assured as you took her hand and put it over your bump. "I was just thinking a lot."

"What about, darling? What's on your mind?"

You sighed and looked around the room.

You feel so fortunate that you and Taylor can give your daughter the cutest little nursery.

She's so spoiled already; she's got all she'll need and way more for a while.

But that doesn't stop your mind from wandering.

"Should we put the crib in the bedroom for the first few weeks?"

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows at the question, wondering where that was coming from.

"I just worry. I'm going to be so tired and sore after she's here and I worry that I might not hear her cry or that I might not be able to get her. And I know you're taking some time off but when you do go to the studio again to record or write, even for a few hours, you'll be tired when you get home."

"Baby, we'll hear her cry, trust me. Babies are not quiet." She giggled and took your hand into hers.

"What if she has colic?"

"That's never guaranteed. If she has it, we'll take good care of her."

You lowered your head and bit your lip and Taylor knew more fears and concerns were rushing through your busy brain.

"What else is on your mind, baby?"

"What if something happens to me during the birth?"

"Nothing's going to happen." She quickly spoke.

"You don't know that, Tay. I'm scared about it. I mean, having a baby is scary, and aside from knowing that I'm going to be in a lot of pain for so long is already something that makes me a little anxious. But I'm just so scared that something might happen during or after it."

"Hey," She whispered and moved closer to you, gently cupping your cheek in her hand. "I don't think anything's going to happen. I know that it's scary and, honestly, I was having fears about that at the beginning of your pregnancy. But I feel confident about this. You have a great doctor and you and the baby are the priority during it all. If, and that's a huge if, something happens, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're both okay."

You cracked a smile at her, finding comfort in her touch and her words, as well as her soft blue eyes.

"Don't be scared about anything. You know I won't let you go through anything by yourself. I've been here during this whole pregnancy with you, every step of the way."

"Even the least glamourous parts." You said before you both chuckled. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me. But just like I've been here during your pregnancy, I'll be there every step of the way the day our daughter makes her way into the world."

You giggled excitedly and she brushed her thumb across her cheek, grinning over the infectious sound.

"It's all going to be alright. None of these fears or concerns are going to happen. This is just what every parent-to-be goes through before their baby, or babies, enter the world. We've come a long way. Remember how much we wanted this and hoped that it would happen? Now we're just days away from meeting our little girl. She's healthy and she's going to be perfect."

You nodded and put your forehead against hers.

"You're right. Thank you for listening and making me feel better."

"Anytime." She said before kissing you lovingly. "We're going to be great moms, baby girl. It's almost time to meet our daughter and I just know she's going to adore us just as much as we adore her."

"I know it too." You agreed before kissing her again.

She wrapped her arms around you for a warm, gentle hug.

And you let out a breath as you smiled brightly because your mind was at ease now and you knew your daughter was going to be the most spoiled and most loved little girl ever.

Taylor Swift Pregnancy Series (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now