finding out the sex of your baby

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"Good morning." The doctor spoke as she entered the room. "How are you feeling today?"

"Pretty good." You replied.

"That's great to hear."

"I have a question," Taylor said.

"Yes, Taylor?"

"How much longer until we can find out the sex of the baby?"

"I think we might be able to tell today." The doctor spoke.

You and Taylor gazed at each other with hopeful and excited expressions.

To you and Taylor, it wasn't a super important part of pregnancy to find out the sex of your baby.

It doesn't change the love and excitement you feel for them nor does it change how you both feel about their future.

You and Taylor already agreed to support and love your child no matter what and that includes however they feel as they grow up.

You both want to give them the freedom to express themselves and you want them to know that you'll both love them unconditionally.

But you both came to the decision together to find out whenever you could so you could begin to pick out names together, either some that are gender-neutral or some on the lists you both made recently that you fell in love with.

So having the opportunity to find out today is pretty exciting for you both.

"Everything is looking good as always." The doctor said as you all stared at the screen, staring at your growing baby. "Time is going by fast. They're getting bigger."

"I know. It's adorable." Taylor smiled as her eyes fell on your bump. "Five months already."

"Not much longer and your healthy baby girl will be here."

You and Taylor both froze as you heard her say that.

It was so sudden, so surprising, so surreal.

"A girl? We're having a baby girl!?" Taylor gasped.

"That's just amazing!" You said as you looked at Taylor, finding her tearing up.

And as it sank in and as soon as you saw her tears, you began to tear up, too.

"I can't wait." She said as she leaned in and kissed you. "A little girl. It feels so surreal."

"It does." You sniffled.

"She is a healthy girl too." The doctor said. "Congratulations. I'm sure you two have lots of people to tell and lots of shopping to do."

"And lots of names to choose between." You added, making her and Taylor laugh.

"I will get you both some new pictures and I'll be back."

"Thank you!" Taylor grinned through her tears of joy before her blue eyes met yours again.

"Tay, we're having a little girl."

"I know." She excitedly said before she kissed your forehead. "I still want her to be able to be whoever she feels she is and whatever she wants to be in the future. But I can't deny that I'm excited."

"I feel the same way." You replied. "I love you."

"I love you and our daughter so much." She whispered and gave you another kiss before putting her forehead against yours, staring into your eyes adoringly.

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