5. mysterious letter

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Tanu's pov

I'm standing in front of his door and arguing with myself should I open it or not, until my hand move and I knocked.

I waited for him to open the door but he didn't and I don't know how I gathered the confidence and courage to do this but I opened his door.

I think I have entered a steam, his room looks like lions cave, his room very clean and dark with a chandelier hanging in middle, fragrance of richness captured me,
Voilet lights radiate devil's energy.

I think I have entered a steam, his room looks like lions cave, his room very clean and dark with a chandelier hanging in middle, fragrance of richness captured me,Voilet lights radiate devil's energy

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Low sound of sprinkling of water comes to me, so he is showering maybe I should talk to him later.
As I was about to leave when I heard sound of door opening and I turned around and looked at him as he steps out of shower and only in fucking towel.

His Golden skin shine as water running down his toned abs, his biceps flash when he closed the door, his veiny hand flex hard, his hair was wet, sharp jawline that would cut people in half and his crystal brown eyes stares into my soul.

Did he just caught me staring at him?
yeah baby.

"What are you doing here"? he demanded an answer.

"i-i just came to talk to you"

"Talk About what"?

As he feel my nervousness, he started taking steps towards me and I'm taking steps back, our gaze found each other eyes, he's like predator coming close to hunt his prey, my mouth becoming dry as he coming towards me and suddenly a cold surface come in contact with my back and I hit the wall.

"About what Sweetheart"? he asked me again


He raise his eyebrows, I'm too busy looking at him to answer his questions, his body warmth captures me, he smells divine,
I gathered myself from all the thoughts and asked him,

"You were covered in blood and everyone was in tension so I thought I should talk to you"
"Are you okay"?

"what do you think"? he asked

"By looking at you it didn't seemed that you killed someone before coming home covered in blood"

"And how are you looking"? he asked in teasing voice.

I gulped and don't know what to answer. This man make me speechless, I hate how he affected me but I won't show it.

"I asked you something, didn't I? he asked is serious tone.

I don't like being said what to do or not unless she is my mother but this man brings out my worst side.

"and I don't think I should answer your every question"

"Since when did you get such a smart mouth, huh"? He said while pressing his hips on me and caging me more.

A low sound escapes through me and his eyes glued on my lips, my core is getting wet being this close to him.

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