13. acceptance or not?

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Tanu's pov

I stared at his text, unbelievable what he just did. How could he do this? Making Aarav's company bankrupt within an hour. Why?

Anger rottened inside me, why does he always have to ruin everything? Can't he just stay out of my life.

Clenching my phone tightly, I stood from my seat and exited the restaurant. I'm going to get all of my answers today. What has even gotten into him lately?

As I exited the restaurant, my eyes caught a figure, waiting for someone and he was none other than him.

Seeing himself leaning against the car and smirking, my anger went on ninth cloud. I fasted my speed and reached closer to him in a second.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I shouted loudly, eventually nobody was present there to see us talking.

Seeing me in anger, he suddenly started laughing. Seriously? by looking at him, irritation gathered inside me. What the fuck is so funny right now?

"Worrying about other men sweetheart?" his eyes darkened and instantly his voice became cold. I'm not going to be scared of him right now.

"Yes, I'm worrying about another man. Arey! You know what, our date was so good that I think I should be with him right now, calming him in this difficult situation. What do you thin-"

Instantly my words died inside my mouth when my body suddenly hit the car and a hand tightly covered my mouth from speaking to me further. Tears started to gather inside my eyes as he closed every distance between us. His body radiates anger.

Slowly I looked up and met his eyes, which told me to stop this nonsense and not talk about other men infront of him. I'm sure if I hadn't texted him, Aarav would be dead by now. He's really an insane man.

"I'm being very patient with you but don't provoke my other side infront of you. You won't be able to tolerate it" he warned me.

He extended his hands and it reached down my throat, choking me tightly. Tears gathered inside my eyes, but somehow I managed to say "V-veer m-mujhe d-dard ho raha h-hai"

Instantly he tightened his hold and replied in a low, terrifying tone, "toh nahi jana chahiye tha na dusre ladke ke pass meri jaan. Ab dard toh hoga tumhe" He totally sounds like a psychopath. His possessiveness will kill me someday.

Seeing this side, I'm extremely terrified of him. Tears rolled down my cheeks and my low whimpers covered our surroundings. I didn't know when I started crying. No one has ever raised their voice at me. I don't understand him. On one hand he's being sweet with me but on other hand he's ready to kill me.

After seeing me in this helpless condition, He slowly removed his hand from my mouth and gently rubbed the spot where his cold hand left a mark. Can't believe this man was choking me a minute ago and right now he's worrying about me.

His bipolar personality is scaring me. After a moment, I tried to free myself from hold but he held my wrist so tightly and didn't let me move.

We stood there for a long moment and somehow I gained some confidence to speak, "Why are you doing this Veer?" I'm fed up with all this drama happening in my life. Why can't he understand?

"The reason is very simple sweetheart because I want you" he confessed his feelings in front of me and I'm dead silent. My heartbeats faster. I have never dreamt of any man for me but here I'm resisting my feelings towards him.

I don't want to hurt his feelings. I just can't accept him. When I didn't reply, he understood my hesitation and said, "I have no idea why you are avoiding me but trust me no amount of your thinking will let you away from me. I'll make you mine in every possible way sweetheart"

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