12. fake date

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Tanu's pov

I had a whirlwind of a day, rushing from one task to another, barely catching my breath in between. It was a chaotic dance of responsibilities.

From going to college and then working at resturant, I was totally drained out. My energy depleted, my mind yearning some proper rest, they could barely muster the strength to carry on.

But God knows why, I made that promise to go on a date. Yes, I'm going on a date tonight. Apparently the man was Aarav Raghuvanshi.

I know it is hard for me but I can't get caught, having feelings for my best friend's brother. Right now I'm waiting outside of the restaurant for the driver to pick me up and drop me home. I'm already exhausted.

I was busy looking into my phone when the car appeared in front of me and I got into the car. Putting my bag beside me, I lean into the seat and rest a little for some moment.

Everything is fucked up in my life. I have never been this stressed about anything. I want him but I don't want to fall for him. It's confusing for me, that's why I want to escape this situation.

I reached home in a few minutes and directly went into my room, I took a long cold shower and changed into a dress which was obviously not proper for the date. I need to change into some other decent outfit.

It was a hard time selecting a dress, for god sake I could use this much time for studying and now, only one person can help me with this. I called Mahi, she will probably be chilling in her room.

It was not more than a minute when she entered into my room. "Why are you in so much rush and what's with the mess?" She asked me taking a look on my bed which was covered with my clothes.

"Umm-m I'm going to meet someone tonight and I need your help with everything" I responded her.

"What do you mean, you need my help? Did you make some new friends to hangout with? You can't do this Tanu, I'm your best frien-"

"God this girl, I'm going on a date" I announced loudly and in an instant her eyes widened.

"Wait, what? You are going on a date? With whom? My Brother?" She asked in a teasing voice.

"No, I'm not going with him and why do you think I will go with him? There is nothing going on between us. I'm going with someone else" As these words leave my mouth a hint of sadness gathered inside her. I know she's upset.

"So, who is this lucky guy after my brother?" She asked me in mocking voice while choosing my dress.

"Umm, I met him at the exhibition, He's seem to be a nice guy. We have just talked for few times"

"Does this mysterious guy have a name?" she asked me curiously.

"Yeah, his name is Aarav- Aarav Raghuvanshi" I replied her while brushing my hair. After hearing his name, her expression changed suddenly.

"Aarav? Don't tell me he has curly hair and he wears glasses, with a sunshine personality" Wait, how does she know all this? Confusion gathered inside me, I turned my face towards her and asked her, "You know him?"

She nodded in response while a smile played on her lips. "He's our family friend, I have met him a few times and let me tell you one thing...My brother hates him from the core of his heart" Why does she sound like a threat?

It's a good thing that he hates him, after knowing I'm going on a date with him, he'll probably hate me and we'll never talk again. God, this is such a relief.

"It's good that he hates him, it is better for us" I replied to her. Slowly, she came closer to me and gently put her hands around forearm.

"Listen, I don't have any idea what is happening between you and my brother but trust me he's not a bad guy and please don't break his heart Tanu. He cares for his close ones"

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