Chapter 17

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Mortilda and Octavia wake up and leave Melancholy Castle at dusk. They walk through the vast gardens, the air filled with the scent of roses and the gentle hum of insects. The sky is painted with shades of pink and purple, reflecting off the still lake as they stroll along the stone pathway. As they approach the edge of the water, Octavia takes Mortilda's hand in hers. "I'm glad we decided to leave tonight," she says, her voice soft and sincere. "I was beginning to feel trapped here, as if I couldn't breathe."

"Well," Mortilda says, "with all that's been going on lately, I figured it would be nice to take a break from it all." She looks out across the water, her gaze distant. "I've been feeling rather... restless myself."

The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden light across the sky. As they stand there, hands still clasped, they feel the air around them grow cooler and crisper. The sounds of nighttime begin to fill the garden: the hoot of an owl, the rustle of leaves as unseen creatures stir in the underbrush. Octavia shivers slightly, but not from cold.

"What do you think we should do now?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "Where should we go?"

Mortilda looks down at their intertwined fingers, lost in thought for a moment. "I don't know," she says finally. "Anywhere, really. Someplace new, where no one knows us and we can start fresh. We could travel the world, maybe find a little cottage by the sea. Or maybe we could settle down in a cozy little town, somewhere with a good library and plenty of places to explore."

The idea of adventure ignites a spark within Octavia, and she nods eagerly. "I'd like that," she says. "Anywhere with you, really." She leans in, pressing her lips to Mortilda's cheek. "We can figure it out together, love. You're my favorite person in the world, you know that?"

Mortilda smiles, feeling her heart swell at Octavia's words. "Aye, well, you're not so bad yourself," she teases, reaching up to cup her wife's face in her hand. "I'm glad we decided to take this chance. I think it's just what we needed."

As they stand there, lost in each other's eyes, the sounds of the garden begin to fade away, replaced by the distant hoot of an owl and the rustle of leaves in the trees. They don't notice the small, quaint village that comes into view a few miles down the road, nor the abandoned bookshop that catches their attention. It's as if fate itself has guided them here.

The moment they step inside the dusty old shop, they're enveloped by the musty smell of old paper and leather bindings. Sunlight streams through the gaping holes in the roof, casting dappled shadows across the floor. Cobwebs cling to every surface, untouched for years. Mortilda's eyes wander over the countless tomes stacked haphazardly on creaky wooden shelves, her heart racing with excitement. Octavia, on the other hand, feels a sense of nostalgia wash over her.

"This place has so much potential," Octavia says, running her fingers along the spines of a row of classics. "We could help restore this place to its former glory"

Mortilda nods in agreement, her eyes lighting up at the vision. "Aye, and we can start by going through all these books and organizing them. There might be some hidden gems buried in these stacks." She grins, adding with a wink, "And who knows? Maybe this place has a few naughty stories too. Maybe we could bring some back to the castle with us."

"Let's forget about our castle for a while," Octavia says, her voice low and sultry. "For now, let's just ." She takes Mortilda's hand in hers and leads her deeper into the shop, their footsteps muffled by the thick layer of dust on the floor. "I can't wait to see what we can find, my love. What stories we can uncover."

As they wander through the dusty aisles, they lose themselves in the world of books. They spend hours sifting through the stacks, discussing their favorite authors and debating the merits of various works.

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