Chapter 24

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The Shinozaki sisters Mara, luna and ruri find themselves occupying the same space for the first time in years. Mara, sticking true to her half-Ainu heritage, sports a bright red kimono adorned with the traditional floral motifs. Her long black hair is pulled back into a tight bun, save for a single strand that frames her face. Luna, the oldest and most rebellious one, wears a poncho and a cowboy hat, her lavender hair falling loose around her shoulders. Ruri, the youngest and most timid of the three, has adopted a lolita fashion, her pastel pink dress puffed out at the sleeves and hem, contrasting her dark skin and icy blue hair. They stand before a mirror, each taking in the other's reflection with a mix of awe, curiosity, and resentment.

The silence in the room is palpable, each sister unsure of how to break it. Their eyes meet in the mirror, and for a moment, they share a look that is both familiar and foreign. It's as if they are strangers who have just met, yet they know everything about each other. Ruri feels the weight of their shared history pressing down on her shoulders, making it hard to breathe. Luna crosses her arms, her expression one of impatience. Only Mara seems at ease, her features softening into a gentle smile.

Finally, Luna speaks up. "So, what brings you two together after all this time?" she asks, her voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. Ruri glances at Mara, unsure of how to respond. Mara takes a deep breath and meets Luna's gaze in the mirror.

"Well," Mara responds, "Our old hometown of Wakkanai is having its annual festival, and our parents thought it would be nice for us to... reconnect. Or something." She shrugs, her expression a mix of amusement and resignation. Luna scoffs, rolling her eyes, while Ruri's face falls. "Look, I didn't really want to come either," Mara continues, reaching out to take Ruri's hand. "But maybe... maybe we can make the best of it?"

The tension in the room eases slightly as the three sisters stand there, their hands entwined. They stare at each other in the mirror, taking in the familiar features and the changes time has wrought. Mara's face has grown rounder, her cheeks rosy from the cold, while Luna's has hardened, becoming more angular. Ruri, on the other hand, is still as delicate as a porcelain doll.

"So," Luna says finally, her tone less confrontational, "what have you been up to since you left?" She motions to Mara's kimono, an unspoken question hanging in the air.

"Oh," Mara replies, "nothing much. Mostly keeping my husband and children safe. I figured the festival could be an opportunity to do something that doesn't revolve around them."

Ruri chuckles softly, "And what about you, Luna? You never did tell us what you've been up to all these years."

Luna snorts, crossing her arms. "Well, I've been busy living my life. You know, going where the wind takes me. I've been to places you two have probably never even heard of." There's a challenge in her voice, daring them to contradict her.

Mara raises an eyebrow, but before she can respond, Ruri speaks up. "Oh, I've heard of them," she says softly. "You told me about them in your letters." Luna's expression softens for a moment, and she looks away, seemingly surprised. "You did?"

The comment sparks a new line of conversation, and the sisters begin to share stories from their time apart. Mara tells of her struggles to adapt to life in the big city, of raising her children amidst the hustle and bustle of Shanghai. Luna, in turn, recounts her exploits in the Americas, the people she's met and the places she's seen. Ruri listens intently, her eyes shining with curiosity and wonder. Even though they are sisters, there is still so much they don't know about each other.

As the afternoon wears on, the girls begin to feel more at ease in each other's company. They laugh and joke, sharing memories of their childhood in Wakkanai. The tension that once filled the room has given way to a sense of camaraderie, of sisterhood rekindled. They stand there, reflected in the mirror, their lives intertwined despite the distance that has grown between them.

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