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Lucifer's POV

            "Heck yeah boy!" I yell as I drive my Super Hornet through the sky. I know the way to Adventure Bay. I was expecting to find someone to fight, but nay. The sky was clear; the clouds had vanished. I flew as quickly as possible. I made a promise, and I am not going to break it. I saw Adventure Bay on the horizon. I sped up. I could not find a place to land. But then I saw something pink in the sky. It was falling. I sped up my jet, opened the hatch, and caught it. I looked and saw it was Skye! She was out cold. "Haidorohoippu!" A whip of water appeared. I used it to wake her up. Her eyes shot open. She was breathing extremely quickly. "Jeez calm down. You're not dead."
            "H-h-h-Harold! Ladybird! Copycat!" She stuttered, spitting names out. I asked what that means. "WATCH OUT!"

            Something hit my jet, and we were going down. I ejected us, and we were in the air. Skye somehow got the ability to fly. She grabbed me. I summoned demonic wings and looked for what hit us. I saw a feline flying. He had a piece of engine. I flew after him, Skye following after me. I struck him with my paw, yet he sent my flying. 

            "You can't hurt him. He has a meteor crystal." Skye said as I flew back. "Seven to be exact."

            "Don't you have super strength?" I asked her. She nodded. "Perfect." I ripped out my soul and gave it to her. "H0ld 0n t0 th1s f0r m3."

            I flew after the Copycat, soulless form engaged. I grabbed him and threw him to the ground. I summoned black dragon skulls and fired beams out of them. He looked awful, but I was only warming up.

            "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing. Flowers are blooming. On days like this, idiots like you..." I paused, directly looking into his eyes. "should prepare for a BAD TIME!" I summoned spikes. "Let's go." I threw him into a wall. I summoned spikes behind him. He dodged. I threw him up, summoned ONI Cannons, and blasted him. He tried to attack, but I dodged. I summoned spears of darkness and threw them at him. He made a shield of iron. I summoned fireballs and ensnared him in fire. He tried to strike, to no avail. I had grown tired of this. He was barely standing. "Welp, that's that." I summoned an ONI Cannon. "It's been a BLAST." I fired, but something appeared to protect him. It was a piece of metal. I saw my soul and retrieved it. My body returned to normal. "The heck?"

            "Lucifer!" A familiar voice screamed. It was Skye. "Show some mercy!"

            "You don't show mercy on the battlefield." I replied, furious with the midget.

            "You aren't in war." Marshall and Everest said in sync. "You aren't here to fight."

            "HE TRIED TO KILL SKYE!" I practically yelled. "I'M NOT LOSING ANOTHER FRIEND!"

            "You consider us friends?" They said in sync. I started to cry. My vision was blurry, then something struck Skye. It was Copycat! I summoned the biggest ONI Cannon I could possibly could. I fired it right before blacking out because of exhaustion.

            "Ughh." I groaned before lifting my head up. I saw Ella on a chair. She lit up when we made eye contact. She hugged me. "How long was I out for?"

            "Twenty-seven hours." Marshall said, rushing through the door. The rest of the pups followed. I looked at the time. "Are you okay?"

            "I'm fine. I just need a snack." I said, realizing I have not eaten in a while. Marshall brought in sweet and sour chicken over rice. I immediately indulged in it. It was gone within a minute. "Number one, thanks. Number two, may I have seconds please?"

            Around six plates later, I was repairing my Super Hornet. Rocky was helping, Ella was spectating, Tracker, Tuck, Zuma, Everest, Skye, and Marshall were playing tug-of-war, and the rest were out on a mission. I was adding rotary guns to it.

            "Pass the wrench." I commanded Rocky, who obeyed. I finally finished my jet. Rocky left, yet Ella stays. I entered my jet, along with Ella. She wanted to ride with me. I lifted off, flooring it into the sky. I saw Ella's look of amazement. I switched autopilot on and pushed my seat back. I looked at Ella and motioned her to come to me. She did, so I laid down. She laid beside me. We looked at the blue sky that was above us. 

            "So, what do you think is out there?" Ella asked me, her eyes looking up.

            "Stars, obviously." I replied sarcastically. "I think there is a demon waiting to destroy the earth."

            "You're weird!"

            "You're pretty."

            "You're handsome."

            "We're being followed." I said, hearing the radar. I put the seats back to normal. I turn around and saw it was an Apache Attack Helicopter. I fire away, trying to destroy it. It eventually falls. Ella looked scared out of her mind. So, I go in for a landing. But I realize we are on open ocean! So, I decide to glide right above the water. 

            "Hey, Ryder just called. He was wondering if we could pick up Coral?"

            "Tell him to mark her location."

            "Okay." A red dot appears on my GPS. I sped up, getting closer. "Lu! I see her!"

            "Let's hope we don't die." I reply whilst I open the cockpit. I saw Coral. She appears to be a Cockapoo like Skye, except more wet. I reach down and grab her by the collar using my jaw. I threw her into Ella's seat and closed the cockpit. I looked down and saw she had a fishtail! "Holy fricking crap!"

            "You guys are the best for picking me up!" She said, still wet. Ella looked completely normal.

            "So... Ugh...You like seafood?" I asked the fish-dog hybrid. 

            "Yeah? Why?" She replies, stirring my curiosity.

            "What even are you? A siren?"

            "No, silly. I'm a mer-pup!"

            "A mer-what?"

            "A mer-pup. A mermaid pup. What are you?"

            "A wolf-dog hybrid. Modified with dark magic and human technology. We are arriving."

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