Chapter 8

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(2 days later)

Maya's P.O.V

Today I'm finally getting out of the hospital. I'll die of boredom if I have to stay here another hour. I'm getting dressed in some clothes that the green-eyed dude brought me.

At least he has a good sense of style...

He sent me a white tank top, black tight jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. I'm finishing tying my boots and Joe and Rick are waiting for me.

I get up and we walk out of the room. Joe pays for the bills and then we get in the SUV. Rick gets in the driver seat and I get in the passenger seat, for Joe's dislike.

(Joe) "What are you doing?" – he blinks multiple times.

(Maya) "I'm getting comfy. You should get in too." – I maintain a straight face.

Joe looks like he's about to kill me and I hear some chuckles from Rick's side. Yesterday, the three of us watched a lot of movies that were on TV and these guys are actually really cool when they are relaxed.

(Rick) "Come on. Boss will be mad at us if we get there late."

Joe groans and gets in the backseat. I try to control my laugh. Rick drives us to the same place I ran from two days ago. He takes us to the underground parking lot and stops in front of an armored door. He types a code in it and drives inside. It has a lot of SUVs and there's only one different car. It's a silver Mustang GT500 and it's beautiful.

Rick parks the car two spots down the Mustang and we get out of the car.

(Maya) "Who owns that Mustang?"

(Joe) "You'll find out eventually."

(Maya) "Is it boss'?" – I mock.

They shake their heads, annoyed at me and we go to the regular parking lot, towards the elevator. They press the number for the twentieth floor. When we finally get out, they lead me down the hall and we eventually reach a door that looks familiar to me. Joe knocks and opens the door.

(Maya) "Oh my god!" – I cover my eyes.

Alright, I did not expect to see that... 

The green-eyed dude is sitting on his chair and there's a girl on his lap, naked.

The two guys around me don't seem much surprised but they are not very comfortable with the situation, I can tell. I hear the green-eyed dude sigh.

(Mason) "I have business to take care of. I'll call you." – he says to the girl.

I peek through my fingers and I see the girl lifting herself from his lap, grabbing her robe and putting it on. I take my hands off of my face when there isn't a part of her body I can see and she passes through me.

Joe closes the door.

(Mason) "I would get up but... it's better not." – he looks to his lap.

I roll my eyes.

(Joe) "Remember that is rude to roll your eyes to someone you just met." – he says in my ear.

(Maya) "It's not rude if you're rolling your eyes at him." – I point to his boss and he chuckles.

(Mason) "What are you two secreting about?"

(Maya) "It's not your business."

He raises his eyebrow at me. I walk to his desk and I sit on the chair in front of it. I get up very quickly.

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