23| Concrete Evidence

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Present Hannah's POV 

"Mark, can I trust you?" I asked.

"I can keep a secret. What is it?" Mark replied, raising an eyebrow.

Hesitantly, I decided to say, "Vanessa gave me a bloody knife. A few hours ago, my aunt texted me the results and it turns out it was Micheal's blood. She found it in Zach's bag. What do I do with this information? Do you know what we could do?"

"Hannah, you're so stupid. It obviously wasn't Zach and Vanessa's just trying to frame him. No one keeps a bloody knife in their bag after like what? A year? It's been such a long time since Micheal was killed."

"How could you be so sure?" I questioned.

"It's common sense. Well, now we just need to plant a tracker on Vanessa. You said that she usually goes away every few days on some bus?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure the location is near Lilian Hall," I commented.

"Vanessa killed Micheal, Hannah. I'm sure of it. You need to believe me," Mark stated.

"I know Vanessa can be awful, but I don't think she did it. I mean, murder? She wouldn't do that, I think. Plus, why are you blaming her without any concrete evidence?"

"It's common sense, Hannah! If Zach had done it, he would've disposed of the knife a while ago."

"Vanessa was there the night he died. She performed, I saw her."

"Half of the music students were there. It's definitely Vanessa," Mark said.

Our eyes met and I decided to play with him for a bit. Maybe, I could get a confession out of him. I mean, there was a chance that Mark did it. I had a feeling that he was innocent, but I had to make sure. "Why are you trying to blame Vanessa? Or did you do it?"

"What? Me? Hannah, are you seriously blaming me right now?"

"I mean, Micheal didn't leave your side at all at Lillian Hall. He clung onto you and I remember him telling me that something was off the second we arrived. You had a motive, didnt you? That fight you told me about. You wanted him dead, didn't you?"

"I lov--- I cared for him a lot. Do you really think I actually killed him?"

"Vanessa was right. You are weird and you are hiding something. In fact, you're hiding a bunch of secrets from me, aren't you? I actually thought we were friends." I texted Charlotte to place a tracker in Vanessa's purse as Mark yelled at me about how he had nothing to do with it and that I was just being stupid. I didn't know who to point fingers at anymore. I just wanted to find who had murdered my brother, Micheal Dubois. "Shut up, Mark. I get it, you didnt kill him. You don't have to talk about him like you loved him or something."

"But I did!" he cried.

"What?" I questioned.

"As a friend," he stated.

"Oh, okay."

"Right. We were very friendly with each other," he commented.

"Ironic that your last interaction was a fight," I laughed.

He didn't say anything and just looked away from me. Charlotte texted me back with a thumbs up emoji and I smiled. Everything was going according to plan.

"Hannah, I want to tell you something," he began, "But keep this between us, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I asked.

"Micheal had a stalker in your neighbourhood," he stated.

"So it had to have been one of our childhood friends!" I exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier!?"

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