We can't trust him.... right?

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No one's POV:

·★two weeks later ·★

Sonic was getting better, he was re-introduced to his friends and his rivals, the ones who would at least take pity on him. His memory wasn't getting any better but overall, everything was going good! Tails got to hang out with him longer than he ever has, and so has everyone else with whatever time they have. This particular night, after the bright yellow kitsune invited Amy, Silver and Blaze for dinner, Sonic went for a late night run, just like his old self. However, Knuckles, Amy, Silver, Blaze and Tails were getting worried when he hadn't come back for 2 hours, they were tempted to do a search party but they, especially Blaze, didn't want it to be a false alarm or what..

Another hour later, Sonic had come back, he knocked on the door and Knuckles opened it.

"Hey Sonic, where you've been?"        "Hey, Knuckles, sorry I was gone for a while.. I might've wondered off but I found someone who was injured."       Injured?? But there were no comments or reports on an attack.. Tails thought.  "What do you mean?" Asked Amy, obviously worried. When Sonic showed us who them had found.. his friends all froze in fear...


...it was that d3m0n.... The "injured person" was that psychopath!         "I found him under some rocks and he was bleeding severely. .. Guys? Everything okay?"       "Sonic," blaze finally said, "you need to put him back where you found him--"         "What?! But why?! He's injured and needs help!" Sonic yelled, not in an insulting tone, but a tone of a person who wants answers,     "Sonic, that's the man who made you lose your memories... He's a bad person, you need to take him back.. let fate decide what to do to hi-."        "Well, fate led me to him and whether or not he's a bad guy, we still gotta help him. At least get him on his feet."          "Sonic, pleas-!"           "No! You all told me stories of how we are this planets heroes and how I would help anyone, even if they were the bad guys, like Eggman, Shadow, and I'm sure there are more! Why is he any different?? Just cause looks like me??"             Sonic was baffled at his friends behavior. His friends never told him about the azure d3m0n known as Sonic.exe, they all figured he was dead, but this proves not and Sonic has gotten them in a knot.

After some silence, everyone there agrees to help as long as he leaves the second his wounds are patched up. Sonic.exe was unconscious on Sonic's bed, connected to many IV machines and is getting his more serious wounds cleaned. Truth be told, the crew couldn't care less for the sleeping azure monster, they would all gladly put him out of his misery if it weren't for Sonic. His naive, heroic behavior leads him to try and help anyone, even if they've done bad. Tails and Knuckles had a feeling that Sonic would urge to help his d3m0nic twin even if he had his memories intact.       "There.. he's fixed now we just need him to wake up." Said the yellow kitsune,         "Thanks."          "You wanna watch more TV? Everyone else is gonna go to sleep."         "Nah, I'll stay in here, t'let you know if he wakes up."               Tails had the urge to pull Sonic out of his room to prevent Exe from taking over his mind, but Tails granted his wish and left the room.

Sonic sat and slept on a chair, Tails; his bed, and Exe, Sonic's bed. Nearly all of Sonic's friends came to check up on him and make sure Exe wasn't pulling one of his games. To their relief, Sonic was fine and the d3m0n was asleep.    All the relief was short-lived as everyone who witnessed Sonic with his memories lost saw that he and Exe were.... Talking.. like they were acquaintances. Shadow had pulled him away, Sonic visibly confused. Everyone gave the d3m0n glares, the glares later subsided when they all saw that Exe was still visibly weak.

Silver and the girls left to get Sonic away and get his mind off his counterpart while everyone else stayed, trying to see if Exe had some sort of plan. Shadow, Eggman and Knuckles were getting visibly annoyed when Exe kept denying, saying he knew nothing of what they were talking about about. Tails decided to settle this with a lie detector he had; Tails had made this when he wanted to know if Sonic went out to just get chili dogs and how many he actually got. (He bought 17 chili dogs btw), Tails and Knuckles stayed in the room, Exe was sitting up on the bed, and everyone stood behind the door, listening.

"I tell you, I know noth-".     "Let us ask the questions. Then we decide what to do with you." The Red echidna stated, coldly.         "Right, first, what are you planning to do with Sonic!" Tails asked.          "I'm not gonna do anything to him, i hardly know him!" Everyone had their doubts but the detector rang a "true" ding.          "Well, fine, but I wanna ask why you did what you did before. And why Sonic? Why did you have to posses him?!" Knuckles banged his fist on the table in anger that he was even talking to exe without punching the daylights out of him.           "Once again, I don't remember that. How I got my body to look like his, I don't know, what I do know is I have never seen you people in my life." Exe stated, staring at Knuckles with annoyance in his eyes.       Knuckles wanted to destroy that table.. that is until he and everyone else heard the "true" ding!

What? That.. that can't be possible... This thing has to be lying! He has to be.... Unless he also..... Tails' thoughts fogged up, everyone else was confused. Shadow had chaos controlled and left but he took was confused on how that lie detector would say he's telling the truth. Tails asked Knuckles to leave the room so he can ask more questions. After another "true" ding, the others, including Knuckles, when to check on Sonic and the girls. While Exe was getting questioned, Sonic was forced to wear many skirts and dresses that Rouge and Amy picked, both fangirling on how he looks. Sonic didn't fight it.

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