New leaf🌿

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Sonic's POV:

I still don't know where Ms. Rouge or Ms. Blaze got the idea to dress me up in the "girls" section but it didn't really phase me, I've had to crossdress for undercover missions before, so this is nothing new. Ms. Blaze had a more "sweet neighborhood girl" idea about the outfits, usually putting me in a knit-turtleneck sweater with a medium or long skirt of whatever colors. Ms. Rouge, however, is more into outfits that show more skin. The one I like best is the Lilac purple cropped hoodie, that shows my entire stomach, and a black mini skirt with black tennis shoes.

"I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I'm kinda glad that Big Blue here lost his memories, he's more open-minded about everything, minus the chili dogs."     Ms. Rouge whispered that last part, and she always nicknamed me "Big Blue". She still won't tell me what made her give me that nickname, I was only her height if not a few inches smaller.     "Do you always have to put him in short skirts? There are a lot of Mobiuns here."         "Don't worry about it~. I asked him a bunch of times and he doesn't care, plus if some perv does come up to him and make him uncomfortable, I'll bust their eyes out myself."       It didn't take a genius to see that Ms. Rouge is the more fashionable yet violent type. Either way, they both are caring, in their own ways.

"How's it goi- woah.." the white headgehog, who was being called "Silver", just stared for a bit before Knuckles chimed in, "The heck happened here??"

"We all decided to play 'Dress-Up Sonic'. We ended up dressing him in more skirts."

"Uhhhm," Silver snapped out of his confused trance, "is he comfortable with this?"

"It's fine. I used to crossdress when I was a kid for pretend missions with my siblings so this isn't really new to me.".. after i said that, they all kinda stared at me in shock, did I never tell them this when I had my memories??

After some staring, Ms. Rouge finally spoke, "Well, why haven't you ever told us! I could've done over a thousand of outfits for you!"

"Rouge!" They all yelled her name, it hurt my ears a bit, huh.. I guess my ears are still sensitive.. I wonder what else hasn't changed.. or has changed.. all this time thinking, and I hadn't realized that Knuckles had picked me up and we got out of the clothing store.

"Hey, did you at least pay for the clothes I'm wearing??" I asked, not sure what was happening.

"Yeah, don't worry. I just realized you are zoning out a lot, what's in your mind?" It was Silver carrying and flying me. I'm assuming he's taking me back to Tails' house.

"Just thinking.. nothing much. You know I can run right?"       "Yeah, I know, I'd rather not let you though, people have figured out how to make cameras that can see you even if you run - they can only take one picture every 5 weeks or else the camera will overheat - I don't think you want a picture of your butt all over the internet."

They can take pictures of me when running?!

"Uhm, do you know when they made these, Silver?"

"Hm.. I'm pretty sure they are new, at least 1 1/2 months ago, but still."             That's wasn't as bad as I was expecting but it still catches me off guard that people can take pictures of me at speed..

Tails POV:

Ugh.. no, I messed up again.. I don't want to be rushing this situation.. but I don't want Sonic to be living most of his life questioning everything he's already seen or known before... It's-- it's too weird.. and to top that all off, I have a d3m0n in the form of Sonic, with his own brain loss, sitting in my freaking basement.. the worst I was expecting out of all this was that we would have to fight him again or he comes back years later or whatever.

How am I even gonna explain this to any of our friends.. a d3m0n that has taken our leaders body and possessed him to take over us has got memory loss as well as our leader and I know I can't kick him out because Sonic is gonna be mad and ExeiscurrentlyinnocentandtheonlyoptionIhaveforhimwithoutseemingunfairisrecruitinghimonthefreedomfighterswhichisweird,right?..

..maybe I just.. need a break.... But I feel like I've just started working on this.. Okay, I'll take a calming 10 minute break and then come back.. right!

*Knock knock*

Someone's at the door?
I go and open it to see Silver carrying Sonic, who's in a skirt... Wait what?

"Sorry to bother you Tails but is it okay for Sonic to be back here?" Silver asked, Sonic was just looking around as if he's anxious about something.

"Yeah, sure come in if you want."   Silver came in and set Sonic down on the couch along with some shopping bags.     "What are those?"         "Oh, when the girls were distracting Sonic from the situation, they decided to play dress-up with him and those are his clothes,"       we were across the room and whispering so Sonic wouldn't hear,      "btw, Rouge us gonna be "stealing" Sonic more often now that she can dress him up."              "Okay, thanks for the heads up, Silver."     We got the new dress-up situation thing settled and Silver went back to his timeline for the time being... Now that I think about it, Silver's original timeline is more into the future and yet he said nothing of this happening..

Sonic's POV:

Silver left and Tails was thinking so I quietly went up to my room to see if the man who looked like me was still there, he wasn't and all the medical equipment was gone. I would assume Tails made him leave but I decided to check the whole house anyway, and it didn't take me long to find a basement here. I went it and I found him sitting on an old couch, locked to someone, and he still had the IVs and whatnot.

"What are you doing down here?"      He looked at me startled but eased down when he realized it was me,    "The fox kid has more questions and more "tests".. at least that's what he told me."

"So you're stuck here?" I asked even though it was a stupid question,    "yep, seems like it .."       after that, he just stared at the ceiling.      "Would you like some company?" I sat down next to him, hoping he'd say yes since I was kinda bored and Tails was busy thinking about something.     "Heh, I'll say 'yes' if you tell me why you're suddenly in a skirt, if you're trans or nonbinary, sorry if I sound rude." He looked away from me, did his cheeks get a little pinker the last time I saw him?

"Oh, some of the girls took me to a store and this is the result, I'm surprised they thought of this even though I'm a boy."

"Why would it matter, unless dressing like that makes you uncomfortable-"    "No, not really, it's just that back in my place, they are a bit stereotypical about genders, this place is so different... It's actually kinda nice.." I almost hadn't realized that I was staring at the ground..

"You wanna know about my home? Unless you don't take to kindly to... 'demons'."      "No, I don't mind."      Exe looked at me as if he was saying "you're something else, huh.." and then he told me story after story about his home. It sounded kinda fun, besides the mean comments they hear from Mobiuns and humans and other. They didn't sound like they were demons at all, they sounded like they were just civilians with some outstanding powers that normal people feared, I couldn't help but wonder if I could go some time! ..and the way he says demons aloud.. how come it doesn't sound like a bad word when he uses it compared to when Tails uses it?.. my voice does the same thing..


1358 words above and the results are pain in brain!

I hope you enjoyed reading! See y'all later!

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