Him and Me- Two.

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I made my way through the hall, my blond ponytail bopping behind me. A few students smiled at me as I passed them, and I forced back a smile. It took a considerable amount of effort as I was still freaking annoyed by a certain creeper by the name of Colby Mariano.

I finally reached my locker. Spinning my lock combination, I popped it open and shoved my heavy chemistry book inside. I tried to psych myself up as I took out my calculus notebook. I thought I might not have any classes with the creeper anymore. I was not that cruel to have more than one class with him. Or was I? I stopped and thought of every cruel thing I did the past year.

Deep in thought, I stared intently at my open locker. There was the time when I squeezed toothpaste into my older brother Matthew’s boxers. Well he told his best friend Josh that I had a crush on him, so the toothpaste in the boxers was definitely justified. Then there was the time where I cut off a part (okay, a chunk) of Matthew’s hair. It was an accident, really. See I was aiming for a particular part of his eyebrows when he just had to move and I snipped off a piece (chunk) of his precious hair. Come to think of it, Matthew has been a target of my cruelty for the past year. I love my brother really, but sometimes he’s such a pain in the butt. And playing pranks on him was fun. Oh damn I had been cruel!

I was so focused on ticking off my cruel doings I didn’t notice anyone standing near me until there was a sound of someone clearing his throat, right behind me. My heart accelerated at the sound, and I whirled around, in the process making that someone’s face come in contact with my thick ponytail. 

“Jeez Kayla, I don’t eat hair you know.”

My eyes narrowed slightly. “It’s not my fault that you’re standing so close behind me. You just can’t stay away, can you Ty?”

Tyler snorted. "Yeah right. As if, Kay." He rolled his eyes before looking at me. "What were you doing anyway? Did you somewhat find your life's purpose inside your locker to be looking at it the way you were looking at it?"

I rolled my eyes in response before turning around, making sure my long ponytail hit Tyler again in the face and closed my locker shut.

"Damnit Kay, you got me in the eye!" Tyler whined. Sure enough, him rubbing one of his baby blues irritably was the sight that greeted me when I turned to face him. Like I could really hit his eye. He was tall enough for my ponytail to only hit him in the nose, at most. I certainly didn't swing my ponytail that high. If I did I'd have a headache right now.

"Oh man up Simmons," I replied, stuffing my calculus notebook in my bag. I looked over at Ty, hands on my hips. Tyler Simmons is one of my closest friends. He's definitely one of the people I feel most comfortable with at school. His floppy blond hair and bright baby blues make him look super cute and adorable. Too bad he acts like a twelve year old sometimes. Okay, most of the time.

"I am a man!" Tyler whined again as he crossed his arms over his chest. See what I mean?

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and he scoffed. "Fine, fine, I'll stop whining. Let's just get to class."

At least he admitted he was whining. And as much as Tyler acting this way annoyed me, I was grateful for the distraction his childish acts provided.

With that, we walked to our Calculus classroom. Ty hated Calculus, but I loved it. I mean, derivatives and integrals. What was there not to love? And no, I'm not being sarcastic, this is serious. 

And seriously, I was hoping to not have another class with Colby Mariano.

Taking my seat beside Tyler, I waited and watched as student after student piled into the classroom. I drummed my fingers against my desk, feeling a bit restless. Finally the bell rung, and Mrs. Pines walked in. No sign of the creeper yet, but it wasn't until we reached about a fourth of the time that I felt really relaxed. No Colby Mariano for second period. There is a God.

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