Him and Me- Twenty Seven.

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Shoving my hands inside the pockets of my shorts, I walked along the sidewalk back home. I stayed with Colby for a few more minutes, both of us just enjoying the silence. And then Cam burst out the door and threw himself at us. I almost broke my back in the process—that kid was getting way too big. Colby erupted with laughter at Cam’s actions, and despite my aching back, I managed to laugh as well.

A smiled formed on my face, remembering how Cam said sorry with a cheeky grin on his face. I couldn’t help but think that Colby was rubbing off on the little boy as I walked to my front door. Two Colbys in the world? That would be a catastrophe. I chuckled as I turned the knob, pushed the door open and went inside.

Matty was standing by the kitchen door when I got home. He looked up from his bowl of ice cream and smiled cheekily when he spotted me. Rolling my eyes, I squeezed pass him, grabbed a glass from the counter and made my way to the fridge. As I poured myself a glass of water, Matty spoke.

“That was one confusing movie.”

His voice held amusement combined with a teasing tone, and I closed my eyes. It was very tempting to throw the glass at my brother, but I restrained myself. Instead, I shut the fridge door closed and gulped my water down before turning to face Matty. I set the glass on the island and put my hands on my hips, my eyes narrowed at my brother.

“Maybe if you had shut your mouth and didn’t keep commenting you would’ve understood the movie.”

One corner of Matty’s mouth rose, as if he was contemplating what I had said. Then his lips formed a smirk. A very annoying smirk.

“Now where’s the fun in that?”

I almost growled in frustration. “Did you really have to be so excruciatingly annoying in front of Colby? If it were just the two of us watching the movie, I would’ve waved it off, but in front of Colby? Really, Matt. That was just plain rude!”

Matty’s eyebrows rose in what seemed like surprise. Then they lowered as a solemn expression invaded his face. He looked almost ashamed, almost apologetic. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watched my brother, his eyes darting back and forth. He was guilty.

Well good! He should be!

He let out a soft groan. “Okay, I was rude. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done it.”

I kept my arms crossed and I jutted my chin out. “You should apologize to Colby. Again.”

Matty suddenly adopted a straight face, and I raised one eyebrow.

“You just admitted that you were wrong, and that you were rude. Plus you said Colby was an alright guy,” I pointed out. When his expression didn’t change, my eyes narrowed.

“Don’t make me tell mom,” I said, a warning tone in my voice.

Matty groaned again, this time out loud. He threw on hand up in the air in what appeared like frustration and said, “Fine, I’ll apologize,” he muttered. “Again.”

I walked over to where Matty was standing and smiled at him in mock sweetness. “Good. Do it now.”

My brother’s face started to turn sour again, but then I mouthed one word, making him scratch his head in frustration.

Don’t you just love mothers?


I flopped face down on my bed with a yawn. It had been an eventful day, I’d say. Grinning, I remembered as I watched Matty apologize to Colby. I made my brother call Susan’s house and made him say sorry. That was one of the highlights of today, for sure.

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