Him and Me- Four.

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"I'm home!" I called out, stepping inside my house. I felt a rush of warmth surround me and I smiled. I loved being at home. We didn't have a humungous house, just a modest split level, with a den, a kitchen, a dining area, three bedrooms and two baths. We weren't filthy rich, but we had enough space and we had everything we need.

"In the kitchen, sweetheart!" My mom called out. Flicking off my shoes, I walked barefoot into the kitchen. I smiled as I passed by the den on the way. The 32 inch flat screen TV was mounted against the wall, beneath was a small fire place. A huge red couch was perched in the center of the room, facing the TV. There was a love seat over to the right side, near the bookshelf. My family loved reading books. Beanbags and big throw pillows were scattered on the floor, making the room cozy and homey. I loved how the red couch, with its contrast against the beige walls, black and white beanbags and throw pillows, and wooden floor, stood out in the room.

As I neared the kitchen, the smell of something delicious cooking filled my nostrils. I pushed open the swinging door to thet kitchen and found my mom standing in front of the stove. The gleaming white tiles felt cool underneath my feet, but I didn't care. I liked the feeling, and I liked walking barefoot inside my house. 

"Smells awesome, mom," I said when I reached her side. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she turned and smiled at me. My mom was a wonderful cook, and unfortunately I didn't inherit the good-at-cooking gene from her.

"It's just beef stew honey," she replied while stirring. I grabbed a glass and went over to the fridge, filled my glass with water and went over to sit at a stool in the middle of the kitchen. I drank my water and placed the empty glass on the island.

"Still smells awesome," I said with a smile.

My mom turned the stove off and turned to join me at the island. "How was school?" She asked as she sat down on a stool opposite to mine.

I shrugged. "Same old," I said. "Ty's still his weird self, had lunch with the populars today," I continued as I pulled my ponytail off, letting my curls tumble down my shoulders. 

"Well, Tyler being weird isn't exactly news," she said with a teasing glint in her eyes. I laughed at that. What my mom said was so true. 

"There's this new kid though, and he's one arrogant, full-of-himself kid." I felt a scowl coming on my face as I remember Mr. Creep-o.

"Oh? Is he cute though?" My mom asked, propping her chin on her right hand.

I wrinkled my nose at my mom's eager and interested eyes. Amanda Johnson could be such a girl sometimes. She's turning forty soon for cripe's sake. But still, I love her to death. Did you notice sometimes my train of thoughts was derailed? Yeah.

"Well, yes, but his attitude totally ruins it for him," I replied, tracing the rim of my glass with my index finger. "He completely distracted me during class by staring at me, and he called me babe." I said that last bit with a dramatic flair. I could be an actress.

The eagerness disappeared from my mom's eyes as she tsked and shook her head. "Bad move," she commented. I nodded once. My mom knew exactly how I felt about being called pet names by guys I didn't know. It was just plain annoying. Did guys really think calling a girl they had just met "babe" would gave them good first impressions? If they did, they really must be dumb.

"Anyway, let's not talk about him anymore. Will Matty be home tomorrow?" I asked, somewhat hopeful. Matthew just started college this year (he's two years older than me) and he was rarely home. He usually was home during the weekends, but sometimes he wasn't. I missed my brother. Well mostly I missed him because I didn't have anyone to play pranks on anymore, but that was still missing him, which was sweet of me. Sort of.

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