Him and Me- Forty Part 2.

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“How many kids would you like to have?”

“Two,” I replied automatically. “A boy and a girl.”

Colby grinned broadly. “I want 12.”

My eyes must’ve looked like they would bulge out of their sockets because Colby barked out a laugh.

“Just kidding. I want two, too. Or three, tops.”

We were still laying on his bed, both of us on our sides, facing each other. After his whole I’m-going-to-scare-Kayla joke (which wasn’t very funny, if you ask me), we just went ahead and continued asking questions. He would ask something, then I would. It was fun. We asked the most random of questions and we often laughed at each other’s answers. There were a couple of serious questions too, though, like the one I was about to ask.

“What are you going to do after high school?”

Colby’s face turned thoughtful, and he looked at the ceiling. “I’ve always thought I’d go to college right after high school, but now I think I want to travel for a bit. Take a break from classes and books. See the world. Let it be my classroom and the people I will meet can be my classmates, or my teachers.”

I couldn’t help the bout of admiration for Colby that engulfed me at that moment. He was really mature for a seventeen-year-old. Except whenever he played stupid pranks on me, like scaring me. He turned to me again expectantly, and I was sure I had this faraway look on my face. He poked me in the arm, and I blinked.

“Oh,” I said. “I’ve always wanted to study astronomy. So I think I’ll do that.”

“Sounds good,” he replied with a nod. “Your dad’s influence, right?”

“Mmhmm,” I confirmed, smiling. He remembered.

I tucked my hands underneath my cheek and snuggled deeper on the bed. “Where would you go?”

He smirked and copied my pose, making sure to exaggerate his snuggling and I giggled. I honestly thought he looked adorably ridiculous. He answered, “Somewhere not too mainstream, like Bhutan or Mongolia.”

“Wow,” I said with a raised eyebrow. “That is pretty adventurous.”

Colby shrugged his left shoulder and said with a small smile, “I think life should be one.”

I felt my whole face softened, and I nodded once, and my lips couldn’t help but mimic his smile. “That it should.”

“What would your adventure be like?” He asked, adjusting the position of his head on his hands.

I thought for a while, and then realized that I had not really thought about it before. I frowned slightly.

“I’ve never really thought about it,” I said. “Now that I think about it, I haven’t had many adventures.” My frown deepened.

“Sucks,” I mumbled.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Colby said gently. “You have plenty of time to make adventures.”

That simple line touched me, and erased the frown on my face. How could one person just warm your heart, your whole entire being, just like that?

And then he continued talking.

“You should totally come with me to Nepal. With me being there with you, your adventures would be much more awesome. After all, I am fun to be with.” He paused and smirked. I raised an eyebrow.

“And not to brag or anything, but I’m really nice to look at, so I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy every second.”

My mouth dropped open a tad. Despite the truth of his statement and the fact that my cheeks once again lit up red, I scoffed halfheartedly. 

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