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With raised eyebrows, I stared at Cynthia, an expectant look on my face. Two weeks had already passed since we talked, and I assumed that Kyle and Cynthia should’ve already sorted everything out. The past weeks were busy ones, though, so Cynthia hadn’t had the chance to tell me. In a way, I thought she was also dodging me.

Not that I could blame her. I dodged a lot of people when I was in the sort of similar situation with Colby.

We were seated at a diner off campus, and Cynthia insisted we eat first before spilling the beans. I agreed, seeing that I couldn’t convince Cynthia to talk if she didn’t want to. I was curious though, and was very anxious to find out what the two had settled. The cheerleader seemed normal enough. She also seemed to be taking her sweet time eating her carrot cake, and she swooned as she swallowed a forkful.

She didn’t seem to be stressing, and given the situation, I didn’t really know what that meant.

As patiently as I could, I waited until Cynthia had swallowed her cake before diving into it.

“So, how was your talk with Kyle? Did you guys decide to date? Did you proclaim your love for one another?” I asked, folding my arms and resting them on the table.

The fork that was on its way to Cynthia’s mouth paused and she looked at me, one eyebrow raised. I raised my own brow, mirroring her own. After what seemed like a long time, she sighed and put her fork down on the plate in front of her.

“I was trying to finish my cake first, which is delicious mind you, before talking,” Cynthia began. “But then someone’s a little too excited to know.”

I frowned slightly. “Of course, I’m anxious. I want to know what happened.”

“And I will tell you,” Cynthia said in a matter-of-fact tone. “After I finish my cake.”

Hence I sat there for about five more minutes and waited for Cynthia to finish what remained of her cake, which was smaller than the palm of my hand. After rolling my eyes, I raised my eyebrows again at the girl sitting across me, watching as she placed her fork delicately on her plate.

“That was yummy,” she said, her tone happy.

I shot her a glare. “On with it, Cynthia.”

Cynthia rolled her own eyes at me, but she shifted in her seat, seemingly wanting to get more comfortable, and I got the feeling that she was going to start talking, finally.

“So yes, Kyle and I already talked. When he returned back on Wednesday, I was kind of scared to face him, just a little bit though, so I kind of hid. I thought I was doing a pretty good job at it, but apparently I was wrong since he still found me under the bleachers.”

“You hid under the bleachers?” I asked, a little amused now. Never would I imagine Cynthia, of all people, hiding in that place. It made me want to giggle. In fact, I did, and Cynthia glared at me.

“Yes, I did hide under the bleachers,” she said firmly. “And I don’t know how Kyle found me there, but he did, and that was the most awkward situation I had ever been in.”

At that, Cynthia’s confident demeanor slightly weakened and a faint blush crossed her features. She looked so cute! Sure, Cynthia had always been beautiful and strong, but now she seemed like an innocent little girl having her first ever crush. I bit back a smile.

Cynthia tilted her head, and her curls draped over her shoulder as she picked up her fork, scraping it gently against the plate in circles.

“Kyle also seemed nervous, which made him so much cuter than he already is, and I knew that I was blushing and I was so embarrassed. But then he asked me to go with him, and we ended up on the road, just driving until Kyle stopped at this sort of little view deck overlooking the city. We got out of his car and looked at the lights, and it was beautiful and I just blurted out that I like him. And he said that he likes me, too.”

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