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"Ahhhhh"I cry out as I touch my thigh, which he burnt with a cigarette

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"Ahhhhh"I cry out as I touch my thigh, which he burnt with a cigarette. My hands reach to my cheeks where he slapped me. He kicked me in my stomach, punched me, and hit me with a belt. My whole body is aching. I'm probably having bruises, scars all over my body.

He abuses me, assaults me, rapes me. yet, I say the world that I'm happy with him .He is a devil hidden behind that mask, he may be pretty but I have seen the beast in him.

It hurts when the person you trusted most, that you would have even jumped off a cliff if he says to, breaks your trust, your heart into millions of piecesand says to fix it on your own,damages your body, soul, every little thing you had. And doesn't even care, doesn't feel guilty about it ,not even an ounce. If he did he would have not repeated after saying sorry.

I wish I had never asked him out, I had never dated him, never met him, never said I love you, ànd never saw this side of him.Tears rolled down my eyes like a waterfall, thinking how my life turned upside down.It took a it was,and how it is now. I was the happiest person in the world, And now I feel like I'm the most depressed, fucked up, and unluckiest human in the world.

I feel like I can never go back to the girl I was, i can never be the happy, joufull girl again.I may show the world that I'm happy, and keep a smile on my face, but believe me it's all fake. I have to pretend like I'm happy because I can't say them that my own boyfriend abuses me,rapes me.

And yea, today I was beaten up like shit Just because I speaked up for myself, just because I denied to have sex, give pleasure to him
so he took pleasure by beating me. He has one or the other way to satisfy his needs.

This mf takes pleasure never gives me!

I slowly stood up from the ground with shaking legs and went to the washroom. I strip my clothes. turn on the shower. As the cool water hit my skin I shivered. My body is filled with goosebumps. I take a deep breath, the cigarette mark should probably go in two days.These wounds, bruises will go by time passes, but what about the pain, the fear it left in my heart and soul will I ever be able to recover, heal myself?

He, the great Abhinav Singh.

Note the sarcasm.

Was a loner, so one fine day I went to him. when I saw a boy with puffy brown eyes wearing a spectacle with a straight nose, pointed tip, bow shaped lips, sitting on a bench alone, cheeks flushed red like he cried for God knows how long, height of 6'2, nerd but a pretty one.

Lesson one-never talk to strangers especially psychos.

"hey"he did not answer,guess he was lost in thoughts, so I snapped my fingers in front of his face bringing him back to earth."hey" I said again with a little bit of unsureness if I made the right decision or no by talking to him. He looked surprised, his eyes glowing with wonder, probably wondering why I'm talking to him. Well, I'm wondering the same thing. He cleared his throat."hi"he said with a hoarse voice.

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