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~(I'm the one,can you feel it?)
Darling, can I be your
I'll be your girl
Let you taste it
I know what you want,yeah,just take it (take it)~

"Are you drunk, Coco?" I smile, will I be known as an idiot or genius if I say yes?

"No, why would you think that, honey?" Well, at least it's not baby.

"Then what's wrong with you and this behavior and this house?" You made me do wrong, so don't question me. This behavior is for the success of mission nutcase revenge, and about this house, I think you're blind cause it's clearly decorated romantically. Ew, but the decoration is nice, all credits to me.

"What do you mean nothing's wrong with the house? It's just decorated romantically for you and me to spend a night in peace. I arranged it specially." I fake chuckle, still massaging his shoulders.

"Oh," he looked at me through his shoulders. I was behind him and he held my hand, making me face him by pulling me with a jerk towards him. I gulped. Am I caught in this act of mine? Was it that obvious?

Only when I thought I failed, he trailed his fingers to my chin, to my neck and pulled me into an unwanted kiss. I kissed him back. I had to. I don't want him to doubt me even an ounce.

With one hand on my neck and the other on my waist, he deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss when we both were breathless, his forehead on mine as he caught his breath, and so did I.

“So you finally gave in. I was waiting for this moment forever, Coco baby." I internally smirk at his naiveness.

"Yeah, I mean, it would be a waste of time fighting with you when you love me and give me everything I ask for. So, I made a decision to love you back. Let's say I surrender.” Let's just say I'm gonna win instead of that, hopefully.

“You made the right decision, coco. I'm so proud of you. I'll give you the world, Coco. Ask me anything, and I'll give you anything. At your service, baby.” Sure, give me my freedom. And for what are you proud of? Man, are you even hearing yourself when you'll probably be cursing my name when you know the truth behind this act or even worse, kill me? I smile.

"Yea, I prepared so many things for us. Let's go." I stand up, and so does he. I take his hand in mine and make my way to the dinner table, and he follows me. I turn off the light, turn on the torch on my phone so I can lit the candle, and I did with the lighter while he watches my every move like a hungry wolf who wants nothing but to eat me.

I open the lid, and the Italian garlic pasta hits my nostrils. He likes it, so I ordered. So kind of me, don't you think? It would be even more kind if I just poison it.

I serve both of us and fill our glasses with wine. I give one glass to him. Our hands touch as I hand him the glass of wine; anything doesn't happen without my will in the things I've planned.

I pick the song "Perfect" and play it on my phone. Perfect song for a perfect romantic date.

We both dig into our foods, the silence surrounding us as the only source of sound is coming from my phone. I did not wanted to break the silence because I don't want to make a mistake, and he is not cause he is enjoying this silent, peaceful night where he thinks he won. But har ke bhi jeet gayi main aur yah jheet keh bhi haar gaya.

(He won, though he lost, and I won even though I lost.)

I finish eating and see him with the corner of my eyes. He sips his wine, while I don't even touch it. Nah, no, I'm not drinking. You don't wanna see the drunken Kiera. God knows what I'll do if I drink and will probably say everything and anything. I'll spit out all the truth
So it's better not to drink. He's also done eating.

I pick up his plate and mine and walk slowly to the kitchen, showing off my butt and swinging my hips, flipping my hair, hot. Huh, I love to flex. He's probably aroused, poor soul has to wait.

“Took you long enough to come; I thought you fainted. I was coming to check on you.” No, I did not faint; I was just planning how to murder you.

“Have some patience, honey.” I walk to him, lean onto the chair, showing my cleavage. I pause the song and switch off the phone. “Now, no one should disturb us.”

“Indeed,” he takes a last sip of his wine and places the glass on the table. With each step he took near me, I stepped back. Until we reached the bedroom, and I hit a wall. Now, he's caging me to the wall, his hands on either side of the wall.

I bend down, giving him false hope, scooting and then standing up.

I grab his hands and make him sit on the couch.

I walk sensually around the room, which will arouse him more, showing off my body from every side. I slide off my panties slowly and drop them, bend down to take them,  showing off my butt, sexy, and threw it somewhere in the room.

I remove my dress, walk to the bed, swaying my hips, and sit on the bed, spreading my legs.

He sees my red bra, then his eyes move to my naked pussy. I wink at him when our eyes meet.

I keep my eyes on him while his eyes roam all over my body, like he wants to eat, like I'm his favorite meal. Which i sadly am.

I lower the straps of my bra, teasing him, and finally unhook the bra. It drops on the floor.

I lick my lips, attracting him towards me more.

"Ugh, it's getting hot in here," I say in a sultry tone, biting my lips sexually.

He hovers over me, and I remove his tie slowly, luring him. I bat my eyebrows, like an innocent soul I am, but because of this monster, this innocent soul has to be a sinful soul. He unbuttons his shirt and throws it away.

“Wait, I'm still wearing my heels.” He bends down and gets rid of my heels, tossing them away aggressively. I could have just kicked him in the dick with those heels.

He kisses my legs, followed by my thighs. He slides his hands from my waist up to my chest in a straight line. I arch my back.

He hovers above me, kisses me, and without any warning, he enters inside me. When did he remove his pants? He sucks my boobs, thrusting inside me, and guess what? I fake moaned.

After a long makeout session and fake moaning with pain, we both drifted off to sleep. I did not sleep on couch today.

                   ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚

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