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I woke up and remembered yesterday's dirty and disgusting event. The room was filled with my fake moans and his grunts with "I love you" by him and "I love you too" by me. Not even in my wildest dream will I love him, but I have to say these sweet and lovely words to him if I want my nutcase revenge to succeed. I smirk at this thought, an evil smirk.

We were sharing a really intense and intimate moment which he really loved, and I really hated every bit of it and fell into deep slumber while cuddling with him. Huh, I missed my teddy.

And now I'm stuck while cuddling him. Uhmmm, don't even ask, we are in an absolutely weird position. I moderately moved a bit, and he woke up.

“Morning” if my morning was good, I would certainly not be sleeping here with him. So I did not go to the trouble of adding good in the morning.

“Good morning, Coco,” I smiled.

“I'll freshen up and cook for us,” I said hoping him to move so I can go, and he did so.

“No, I'll cook, you go bathe, and after cooking, I'll bathe,” I nodded.

I walked into the washroom, added some body wash to the scrubber, and rubbed my body hard with it so I can get rid of his touch out of my body. I don't care if it'll become red; I just want to get rid of that filthy touch of that monster and washed myself.

I remembered the conversation where he showed me my brother's video tied in the chair. Obviously, it was fake, and my pic's not a normal one but really vulgar one. How could he ever think of ruining someone's life? He showed me some of my nude pics, tears escaped my eyes like it always does when I remember my ugly past and present.

Another day, another new set of tears, another day of me not having my freedom, another day with me living my same boring life. It's okay, is it? Soon enough, it'll end, Kiera, will it? You got this, did I really?

I spent some good time overthinking in the shower. After that, I wrapped my towel around myself and proceeded to wear my clothes after drying my body. I did not wash my hair because I did it yesterday, so there's no need to do it today.

And here we go, I headed to the hall and saw him placing plates. He looked okayish.

“I'm done cooking, Coco, just wait for 5 min. I'll freshen up and come and then serve us.”

“Okay,” not like I had an option. I went to him and pecked him on the lips and marched to the hall to sit on the couch before he pulls me and kisses me.

I was waiting for him patiently sitting on the couch and scrolling through my insta.

“Coco, baby, come, I'll serve us food, you must be hungry.” Hell yea I am, bitch.

“Yea, coming,” I sat opposite to him, and he was waiting for me to serve, I guess, as he was checking something on his phone.

What a gentleman, didn't he say he will serve? Liar!

I served both of us; he made pasta, gosh, I hate it now.

We had some random and normal conversation, which we hardly have, and he headed to his work while I worked on my computer from home only.

Now the second step is to get close to him and make him trust me.

                    ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Hey everyone, I guess

Sorry for the late update *if you care*

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