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Okay, I've had enough of him now. How can he ask me to marry him? Like, how can he!

How could he do this to me, freak! I scoff.

I want to get out of this hell. I'll.......I'll na huh, what will I do? I should plan something, yeah, but what. Think of something stupid, brain.

C'mon idiot, I know you can.

Maybe I should torture him the same way he did to me or maybe I'll seduce him first and make him trust me, then I'll make him delete those nude pics/videos of mine. And do the same things he did to me.


Yeah, my mind. Wow, I made a great plan.

Yeah, this is it. I'll seduce him and make him trust me.

But what if it doesn't work? Why does this "what if" comes in everything? I groaned in annoyance.

I'll make it work.

I'll make nutcase revenge work.

Some days passed, I gave him the silent treatment because I didn't know what to do. Currently, I'm sitting on the floor with crossed legs, searching for information on how to seduce a man.

I took a deep breath. I know exactly what I should do now. I'll make him trust me by lust.

I went to my closet and grabbed a red knee-length dress with off-shoulder design and flow. But before I go and freshen up, I should arrange some things and make it romantic.

I decorated the room with lavender-scented candles. I heard they are seductive. Bed filled with rose petals in a heart-shaped design. On the nightstand, I put the red-colored bulb in the lamp.

I ordered some food for us.

I freshened up and wore the red dress with high red heels, and did my makeup with blush, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, dark red lipstick. I left my hair open and did some curls. Lastly, painted my nails red so I can dig my nails into his skin.

A pair of dangling earrings and some accessories to give spark to the dress.

A pair of dangling earrings and some accessories to give spark to the dress

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(Her dress)

(Her nails)

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(Her nails)

I look absolutely stunning!

All red. I chose red cause it's utterly accurate for revenge, violence, and anger.

I heard the bell ring, must be the delivery. I opened the door.

That man was checking me out. shamelessly Great, I'm looking hot, but his eyes were not moving from my boobs. I cleared my throat awkwardly, and he looked away. I sighed, how can he not be embarrassed?

I took the food, paid him, and took it to the kitchen. Placed the food in a bowl.

I covered the dinner table with a red cloth, added candles with heart-shaped rose candles over the table in a round form.

I brought the food from the kitchen and placed it on the table, covering the top with plates, two glasses, and a wine in the middle.

I brought the food from the kitchen and placed it on the table, covering the top with plates, two glasses, and a wine in the middle

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But will it work? What if he doubts and knows that I'm up to something? What if I get caught on the mission, Nutcase Revenge?

Like always, this "but" had to butt in, everything and make me doubt my decision. And with this but "what if" also joined in. Great, you both make an amazing team and succeed in making people overthink, especially me!

You got this, Kiera. You will succeed and make that monster cry and plead. An evil smirk appears on my face. Of course, I have a plan B.

I heard the bell ring. It must be him. I took a deep breath and opened the door, only to meet his exhausted face, great!

"Heyy," I said seductively. He was surprised; would be an understatement. He looked surprised, really surprised! That why I'm dressed like a slut. Well, it's all because of this one monster who made my life hell, and guess what? That monster is none other than you.

''Welcome back," he blinked his eyebrows, still not believing his eyes.

"You must be tired. I'll give you a massage." He was still standing near the door like the dumb person he is, so I pulled him by his arm, which made him collide with my chest. Spicy. I made him sit on the nearby couch and massaged his shoulders.

Huff, what what things this mission, Nutcase Revenge, is making me do.

"Are you drunk, Coco?" I smile. Will I be known as an idiot or a genius if I say yes?

                   ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Happy Easter ✨🤠👀🐰

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Love ya<3 byeee!

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