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I groaned in annoyance

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I groaned in annoyance. I'm tired of waiting for this fucker, aka my best friend, who is 20 minutes late. He said he wants to meet me in a café as it's been quite a long time since we met. I was checking my emails and looked up.

My eyes unknowingly stopped near a cute lady with cinnamon brown doe eyes, a snub nose, cherry red cheeks, heart-shaped lips, and both hands on her cheeks, looking up dreamily. She was snapped out of her thoughts by a girl her age, I guess.

"Man, stop ogling at her," here comes the great person for whom I have been waiting.

"Ogling who?" he points at the cute girl.

"Shut up. Why were you late?" a red hue covered his cheeks.

"Why are you blushing, mf?"

"It's nothing, leave it. How have you been?" a waiter comes and places an Irish coffee, which I ordered for myself.

"Good. You?" taking a sip of the cup, I ask.

"Same here."

"How is Aaron?" I asked about his nephew who was hospitalized. He is 6 years old. Sometimes when I visit his house, I play with that kid. We are not that close, but that kid is pretty mischievous.

"He is doing good. Anyway, leave him. You know, I met a girl in that hospital, and she is really gorgeous. She works there as a doctor, but she won't fall for me."

"You think you're charming, that every girl will fall for you?" he is.

"Beautiful," a low whisper escaped my lips as I saw her endearing smile.

"I know, right? She is," who is he talking about?

"What? Who the hell are you talking about?" he can't be attracted to her now.

"Her, why?" he pointed at a girl who was sitting beside my cherry. Well, I don't know her name.

"You can't just declare a stranger as your girl, not when you just saw her some minutes ago," my inner voice said, like always. I ignored it.

"You do realize that you can't just point at anyone."

"Hey man, she is not just anyone. She is soon to be my fiancée."

"Keep dreaming."

"I'm not kidding. She is the hospital girl."

Before I could say anything, he walked to the girl with a cold expression on his face, glaring at a boy who was talking to her. That boy looked at him dumbfounded, and my cherry as well. That mother fucker dragged her somewhere. What the fuck is wrong with him now? I thought I would follow him, but then something called privacy is there, and I know him. He won't do anything bad.

Now I have no patience for waiting for someone special. I just walked out but saw my girl. The only thought that came to my mind was, what is she doing?

I went to her, and there he was, my best friend, pinning that hospital girl to the wall.

"Hey, get your hands off her. You can't just drag someone out like this," she said in her oh so sweet voice. And she is absolutely right. He can't do as he pleases.

"I can so, miss. Please give us some privacy," he said.

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will."

"No, I won't."

"Yes, you will, little girl."

"What? I'm not little, you giant," she said, annoyed.

"What is going on here, and Aryan, why did you pin that girl to the wall like this?" I interrupted their little bickering.

"Do me a favor and get her out of here."


"That girl," oh, he is talking about my cherry.

"What? How dare you. Why should I get out of here? It should be you who should leave her. You-" she was cut off by her friend.

"Shut up, you both. And Kiera, I'm okay. It's okay, you can go. I'll call you later. Should I book a cab for you?" Her name is Kiera, not bad.

"No need. My friend will leave her," oh, how much I love him at this moment.

"Yeah, sure," saying this, I grabbed her wrist and walked to my car, giving them some privacy.

"Waittt what, no. I'm not going with you. I'll book a cab," she said before I could open the car door.

"Why?" our eyes met.

"Uh, because it's-it's already booked," a bad excuse.

"Lying, are we?"

"No, I'm not lying," yeah, you're not. She pouted.

I pinned her to the car, my hands on either side. How much I want to kiss those pouty lips. I wonder how they taste. She batted her eyes, oh so innocent, my baby is.

"Wh-at are y-ou doi-ng?" so my baby is affected by me. I smirked. She tried to push me with her delicate hands, and I saw some bruises on her hands. Is she being abused? I tried to take her hands and check, but she kept them back.

"Move," I did not.

"I said move."

"Please move," I moved back. If I wanted, I could force and get the truth out of her sweet mouth, but I did not, cause I'm a gentleman. instead, I will just do some stalking. Something is fishy. She ran out of there, and I saw her figure disappearing.

I got in my car and called Samir, my right-hand man.

"Samir, do me a favor and do a background check on a girl. I'll send you the details."

"Okay, boss," I cut the call.

I saw her walking on the road. I rolled down the window. "Hop in the car," I said.

"I won't," she shakes her head.

"I'll drop you home." She got a call, she was hesitant, but she opened the door and sat on the passenger seat. She looked tense, fidgeting her hands, she looked outside.

"So, where should I drop you, miss?" She said the location of her house. She did not say anything, so I thought to break the silence.

"What's your name, Cherry?"

"It's Keira, and Cherry?"

"It's a nickname."

"And why would you give me a nickname? We're not close for that, and why Cherryyyyy?"

"Because I like you. It doesn't matter if we're close or not."

I stopped the car and went so near to her that our noses touched. I placed a kiss on her forehead and unlocked the seatbelt.

"You did not just do that. Are you-" Before she could finish her sentence, her phone rang. Then she opened the car door and ran to her apartment, not before glaring at me. She's so cute.

I drove my car to my mansion, freshened up, and got to know that my cherry has a boyfriend. I won't deny that I was not happy with the fact that she has a boyfriend, but no problem. When I say it, I get it. No matter how, she is mine, and she will be mine.

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