chapter9: Hanging on.

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Yo chapter nine let's go. Anyway if you enjoyed drop a vote id appreciate it.

Tapping could be heard as Y/n stood in the washroom of his room in the castle. He stared into the mirror in silence while rubbing his chin.

He has a lining of stubble running up his chin and a mustache growing in on the upper lip

Not only did he grow facial hair but Y/n had also cut his hair so it was no longer styled in that messy manner. It was styled upwards in a jagged way.

Y/n: Huh. . . Doesn't look half bad.

Y/n put a hand on his chin and looked himself over in the mirror.

Knocking on the door could be heard and Y/n turned around opening it finding Koriand'r who was wearing her usual purple crop top and shorts. Her hair was styled upwards in a bun however.

Koriand'r: Hello, i was wondering if you wanted to have a umm. .spar with me. .I realized that the two of us have never clashed fists before.

Y/n: Oh, well sure? You have a destination in mind?

Koriand'r: We can leave tamaran and fight on a nearby rouge planet.

Y/n: Ah, now that I think about it. . I haven't left planet since I got here.

Koriand'r smiled and her green eyes beamed in happiness as she let out a loud giggle.

Koriand'r: Great I'll see you outside the castle when your ready.

The red haired tamarenian left the room with a pop in her step clearly happy as Y/n watched her go.

Y/n: . . .She didn't seem to be one of the gals that liked to fight. . .more you know. .

Timeskip. . .

Two blurs could be seen blasting through the empty vacuum of space flying past various astroids and meteorites.

One was colored green and the other was black scouring through the stars.

Zooming in on said blurs one could see that is was both Y/n and Koriand'r both who had excited grins on their faces as they moved at light speeds through space.

After a few minutes the two of them made it to a isolated planet that was far off from tamaran but inside the same galaxy.

The viltrumite and tamarenian were both set ablaze as they entered the atmosphere of this rouge world.

Koriand'r gently landed down on the surface a complete contrast to Y/n's explosive landing.

A sigh left Y/n's mouth as he stood up from his crouched position dusting himself off.

Koriand'r: I apologize for the long journey, most of the planets in this galaxy are populated. .

Y/n: It's quite fine, the flight here was a cake walk. So ready?

Koriand'r shook her head and flew backwards a few feet so she had some distance from Y/n who dug his pinky into his ear itching it.

Green U.v light covered Koriand'rs hands and she smiled at Y/n who raised his hands clenching them into fists with a slight popping noise.

Koriand'r: Now I'm ready!

A green explosion went off after Koriand'r threw a green bolt at Y/n which exploded in his face.

A shockwave went off creating fissures in the ground as Y/n and Koriand'r clashed slamming their fist into the others.

Y/n: Aha! You're definitely stronger then the old man!

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