Subject file Y/n.

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Alright here is the information that has been gathered regarding slave 937 it is not a lot.

Subject file:
Name: Y/n
Race: through blood tests we've discovered that Y/n is a viltrumite.
Height: 6'1
Weight:210 lbs
Appearance: He is a weary looking humanoid male in his middle twenties appearance wise.

Most likely centuries old judging from the fact that he is a viltrumite and they are known for having decelerated aging. His skin is a light complexion with a few bruise's in them.

In the center of his back between his shoulder blades he has a deep slash wound from when he received an attack from a guard when he was speaking to himself. .

File logs:

For a viltrumite he is rather passive seeming concerned about the tamaranian we had captured alongside him.

He does his labor without question but every now and then he'd stop and receive attacks from the guards. We are led to believe he is purposely gaining the ire of the guards for an escape plan requires further investigation.

File log 2: Thanks to his unparalleled strength our efforts into mining  this rouge planet has been reduced and the progress accelerated. Within a month it seems we would have mined all the valuable materials.

file log3: It seems that our interactions with the tamaranian dubbed koriand'r has infuriated Y/n. He almost escaped when he heard her screams from within the confines of our isolation chambers where she is dumped while the effects of our drugs ruin her mind.  The security around Y/n's cell has been increased, at all times there are guards on standby outside his cell and watching him while he works. . . We will not take the chance of losing him and having him ruin everything!.

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