4. Escaped

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Nandini's pov

The next morning I pretended to sleep until I was sure he left the house. I wear my shoes and jacket and sneaked out of the house to see no one.

I looked down to see 2 maids working one was wiping the floor while the other was dusting. I came down in a normal way.

"Good morning mam"

"Good morning"

"Should I serve you breakfast?" She asked.

"Not yet I'm going out to take some fresh air I will let you know when I'm hungry"

"As you say mam" she continued her work.

I came out in the backyard looking here and there but the sight was clean there was no one. I turned back to see if they can see me but no they couldn't. I moved towards the emergency door and slowly unlocked it. It do make a voice but it wasn't loud enough to be heard by them. I moved out and closed the door behind. I ran to the left side as the main gate was on the right side. I ran as fast as I could without looking back.

I stopped as I couldn't run more I lost my breath, My legs start to pain. I looked back and realized I am quite far now. I need water

I looked around but there was no utility store to be seen. It was just some random shops. I moved more and more until I finally saw a utility store.

"Hi, how much is for water?" I asked.

"50 rupees" I looked at the money. It is just 100 rupees what will I do with them?

"1 water bottle and one packet of biscuit" I said.

"Here" he gave and I came out saying thanks.

I drank some water and again start moving. I saw a park at a distance and I moved there. I need to rest for something I am hungry as well. I sat on one of the bench eating the biscuit. It was when A thing popped in my mind, dad! I should call him.

But how?

I looked here and there but there was no one to be seemed who could help me. It was when my eyes catched a couple they were sitting on the bench. I moved towards them



"Sorry to disturb you guys but can you please help me? Actually I am new here and I came here with my parents but I don't know how I came here and I don't have phone with me they must be worried about me. If you give me your phone to do a call it will be a great help" I asked with a hope.

"Sure you can here take my phone" the girl said and hand overed me the phone.

"Oh thank you so much" I remind myself dad's number and dialed.

After 3 rings he picked up the call he was saying hello but I couldn't replied.

"Who's this?"

"D... Dad" I finally said.


"Dad Save me please someone kidnapped me and I don't know where I'm. He took me to Mumbai and he isn't letting me go he has caged me"

"I don't have any daughter don't call me again"

"Dad please I swear I'm not lying I am being kidnapped and I have no where to go I just escaped the house dad please save me please do so-" The phone was snatched from my hand.

I turned around to see him, My eyes came out of my socket, Emir!

"Thankyou for your help I'm here" he said to that couple.

"Let's go home" he said.

"I won't I won't come with you let me go I will scream, I will tell everyone that you have kidnapped me"

"Look girl if you don't want trouble for yourself or your family then stay quiet and do what I am saying or else you know" he said in my ear.

"You can't blackmail me I won't go with you he-" I was going to shout but my mouth was covered with a hand.

He forcefully took me outside the park everyone was looking at us but no one can see his face as it was covered with a mask. He used his brains, what Am I suppose to do now?

We sat in car and the door got locked. I tried to open but I can't. I looked at him he was looking calm, he took off his mask and glared me.

"Leave me let me go" I punched him but it had no effect on him.

"I told you not to do any stupidity but no off course you girls will do the opposite. I will surely fire that girl who showed you the secret door" he said.

"Why? She has no fault in it she wasn't aware of my intensions and I guess you didn't tell them that you kidnapped me" I shouted.

"Its my house and I will decide what to do and what not so shut the crap"

"Look Emir please let me go please look I won't do any stupidity of revealing your identity I will just go back to my family and forget everything look I promise please"

"You know it won't help stop begging" he said and looked out of the window.

We came back home and he threw me in my room. "You won't come out until I order" he said and locked the door.

"You can't lock me, open the door. Emir open the door" I banged few times until I realized it's of no use.

I sat on bed crying my heart out why everything is happening wrong why? What am I suppose to do?

A while later the door unlocked and Zeynap entered with a trolly.

"Your breakfast mam" she said taking out the plate.

I looked her then at the door. I have to run and I'll run. I stood up coming forward to the trolly.

"What is for the breakfast?" I asked

"What would you like to have, Omelet, half fry or-" I didn't listened further as I ran outside.

"Mam!" She shouted but I didn't stopped.

"Emir sir... Emir sir" she was calling him out.

I know I'm trying in vain because outside there are guards they won't let me run. I came out of the house and ran towards the wall. It was a bit high but I tried to jump and was succeed but he held my arm and pulled me back.

"Leave me I said leave me" I tried to free myself using all my force. I bite his hand.

"Ouch!" He hissed but his grip was still tight.

"Leave me help! Help!" I was shouting my lungs out.

"Girl I said stop!" He pulled me away from him and thud I was on floor as he slapped me.


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